نتایج جستجو

  1. Parinaz.

    ?Do accents really matter

    ?Do you think it's important to have an specific accent ...You can see the subject everywhere .You can see people (not everyone, just some people) mock accents. They mock Indians speaking English, Italians, Asians, even . Iranians humiliate themselves for having an accent when speaking English...
  2. Parinaz.

    توصیه های آخر

    سلام. همگی خسته نباشید. :دی از تمام کنکوریا و بزرگترای مجلس دعوت به عمل میاد برای به اشتراک گذاشتن هرچیزی که توی دو سه هفته ی آخر، یا سر جلسه ی کنکور به دردشون خورد. محدودیت موضوعم نداریم؛ چند تا سوال به عنوان مثال: چه چیزایی رو بیشتر دوره کردین؟ برای هر درس به چه روشی دوره کردین(تست نشانه...
  3. Parinaz.


    .It's a replacement for the popular "Memorable Lyrics" and other music topics in the English forum :D !The difference is that it's not only lyrics 8-^ !Try to provide a description of the song or the artist; many tracks have stories, even histories, beneath them .You can discuss anything and...
  4. Parinaz.

    Phrasal Verbs

    Well, as I was wandering in different topics, I realized that there is a misunderstanding over the differences between phrasal verbs, .collocations, idioms and proverbs "Phrasal verbs are usually two-word phrases consisting of verb + adverb or verb + preposition." Here is a list of phrasal verbs...
  5. Parinaz.

    ٍٍٍTrolls, Jokes, and funny short stories

    You all know that copy-pasting is forbidden in Sampadia; but it won't hurt to give it a try and see if fun and laughter will lead to better learning. !It may seem futile in the beginning but the end justifies the means .However, If the topic gets spoiled, I'll have no other way but to lock it...
  6. Parinaz.

    Movies and TV Series

    We'll discuss Movies and TV series right here. :D ! Feel free to share your opinions on the ones you love, hate, or just don't have any feelings for What did you think about the characters, the story, the filming, the soundtracks, the cast, or whatever noticeable about the movie or series ...
  7. Parinaz.

    منحصراً زبان

    کسی نبود؟ :دی
  8. Parinaz.


    سلام ;Dخب اینجا جای قزوین خالی بود که الان پر میشه ;D عکس میذارم با توضیحاتی که خودم میدونم...و از اونجا که خودم زیاد نمیدونم( ;D)، شما هم اگه میدونین کاملش کنید ;D بعضی ازآثار باستانی قزوین(اوناییش که خودم دوست دارم :>) سرای سعدالسلطنه(اسمش خیلی باحاله :>)بزگترین کاروانسرای درون شهری ایران...