Let me write you in English
to let you touch my sense.
Just a small talk
Just a play of words
which has stuffed my mind
for a while
for a while…
I know
I know
after a while
You’ll forget this soon
like others
??where is peace
around the world
Nowhere you can find it
a friendship between people
has gone…
We didn’t understand it
and won’t understand it until
It touch our life…
سلام این مطلبو یه هویی خودم نوشتم نمیدونم اولین مطلب احساسی انگلیسیم هست.شاید از نظرتون بی معنی باشه.نمیدونم ولی ازش خوشم اومده .واسه همین گذاشتمش.امیدوارم بعدا بهتر بنویسم