پاسخ : Best movies ever seen
lets see! i like water for elephants ! and despicable me ! oooooo ! that tiny liitle yellow things were reallly cute >:D< ;D
پاسخ : دید و بازدید عید
امسال رفته بودیم پیش داییم گفتم که عیدی میده یعنی مطمئن بودم بعد بهم 1 کیف داد اعصابم خورد شد احساس کردم 1 چیزی تو کیفه بعد دیدیم 1 لب تابه ;D
پاسخ : lyric(s) that U most love
There's a black man with a black cat livin' in a black neighborhood
He's got an interstate runnin' through his front yard
You know he thinks that he's got it so good
And there's a woman in the kitchen cleanin' up the evenin' slop
And he looks at her and says...
پاسخ : دیسوگرافی بچه های سایت
نام: مهلا علی حسینی
سن: 14
محل تولد: مشهد
تحصیلات: سوم راهنمایی ;D
محل سکونت: مشهد
تاریخ تولد: 1375/9/25
سایز پا: 37
چجور حیوانی هستی؟ چه میدونم ؟؟ :-w
درس مورد علاقه:
حیوان مورد علاقه: سگ [-o<
غذای مورد علاقه:
چه غذایی بلدی بپزی؟: 1 عالمه مثلا...
پاسخ : lyric(s) that U most love
Easy come, easy go
That's just how you live, oh
Take, take, take it all,
But you never give
Should of known you was trouble from the first kiss,
Why were they open?
Gave you all I had
And you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, you did
To give me...