?Real Art

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Hi!, I thought there was a lack of artistic discussions here, and I had some questions which didn't seem to be solved immediately ,so I thought now is the time to focus on art issues.[nb]If you the manager think that we can talk about it in weekly discussion, there's no problem, but I thought it's much more seen here. :)[/nb]
As we all know one of the features of art is the fact of being beautiful, and that's maybe the reason for us to enjoy it,but
?Is Beauty an obligatory feature of art

?Which one do you think seems more important in art? Being Useful Or Being Beautiful

?What's your idea of abstract art? How do you think artists and their fans enjoy this kind of art

Why do they think it's[nb]Abstract Art[/nb] beautiful ? How do they define beauty then ?​
Thanks ;D
پاسخ : ?Real Art

[ltr] I myself prefer the beauty in the art. Cuz I thnk every work of art should has a good effection on the audiences eyes or even ears at first! [/ltr]
پاسخ : ?Real Art

In your idea , What is beauty then?you know in modern art some works are praised for showing mysterious and maybe abstract things, in those cases, beauty is not represented directly[nb]maybe that is why some folks don't enjoy it completely[/nb], so here beauty doesn't catch your eyes at first and maybe the purpose of the artist is not beauty at all!
Is Beauty related to the fact of being good and enjoyable? Or being impressive?
And about the fact of being useful, imagine a time when the world is full of artistic and beautiful works, but simultaneously , there are some major problems, Don't you think now is the time for art to get engaged in people's lives and help them?​
پاسخ : ?Real Art

i don`t know many things about art &different types of it but i think a good artist is one who show instructor things beautifully :)so both of them are important . mabey u ask why? i say :the beauty is for attracting the audiences & it should be useful to learn them s\th 8-^