Movies and TV Series

  • شروع کننده موضوع شروع کننده موضوع Parinaz.
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We'll discuss Movies and TV series right here. :D

! Feel free to share your opinions on the ones you love, hate, or just don't have any feelings for
What did you think about the characters, the story, the filming, the soundtracks, the cast, or whatever noticeable about the movie or series ?
?Why did you like or dislike any of them
.And it will be great if you give us a short introduction on the movie

.note: Any post containing only the names of movies will be deleted right away
پاسخ : Movies and TV Series

one of the best series I'v seen was
I really love it cause :
In my opinion series our not usuallyb use full to watch cause the writer just wants to make them longer and longer but this series sessions was short and has seperated stories so It is good suggestion for changing your mood and it is suitable for people such as me that doesn't like long series​
Stranger Things
It's a really nice series for young adults and teens.
This series shows us the importance of friendship, love, or even family.
I really love it:)
Once upon a time
This series is good for teens and adults
The show borrows elements and characters from the Disney univers
I really Love it...
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