?what's the one thing you would change about our society if you had the power

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..So last night I was thinking, well let's say I could change one thing about the society I'm living in
Not necessarily because I think it would be useful for the society or anything lol but maybe even because it would be fun to see how things would turn out

?What would you change if you had the power to
?Why do you want to make that change
It could be the way people look at a certain thing, how valuable something is to them , or literally anything you could possibly imagine.

Personally, I think it would be interesting to make English mandatory and maybe even Iran's second official language if that makes sense...
My reasoning is that it could potentially allow everyone to have access to the vast majority of the information in the World Wide Web as opposed to the minority like now
!Waiting for your interesting replies
I'd like to change minds!
To not be anymore violence, prejudice, and discrimination.
I know it's so general thing but general changes will always be more useful.
Umm, mybe I would let to all of geniuse people who left us, like maryam mirzakhani and steven hawkings(actually im not sure about him because maybe he liked to die to) and lots of other smart people.
Its important for me to have smart leaders for different parts of our society, it may change the destiny(not sure about the spelling
I would like change the peopel of vision
becouse the world has been very war an very sadness
I hope to see a peace in the world
Umm, mybe I would let to all of geniuse people who left us, like maryam mirzakhani and steven hawkings(actually im not sure about him because maybe he liked to die to) and lots of other smart people.
Its important for me to have smart leaders for different parts of our society, it may change the destiny(not sure about the spelling
???! Do you know why some bright person like Mirzakhani and... die very soon :-?:-w
Well . If I had the power of changing sth in sociaty , I would drag in to education system immediately.
Maybe we can't change today's problems but we may can control the future by upbringing good humans .. who can listen carefully and respect to society elements
. Ummm..just this 4 now
???! Do you know why some bright person like Mirzakhani and... die very soon :-?:-w
Exactly! There are lots of other people who are old and their existence is not really necessery for society, but most of smart people die very soon despite the society need them more.
Personaly, if I could choose a life between mine, and Mirzakhani's , I would choose hers, but the goverment dont think so.
Umm, mybe I would let to all of geniuse people who left us, like maryam mirzakhani and steven hawkings(actually im not sure about him because maybe he liked to die to) and lots of other smart people.
Its important for me to have smart leaders for different parts of our society, it may change the destiny(not sure about the spelling
Bright people (bright in this case meaning someone who has achieved something significant and extraordinary in a creative field) die like every other human being. A society will need the dead only when it can not provide its members with a path to greatness

A more approachable solution(I never said the change you want to make has to be possible, this is just a thought) to the lack of enough bright people is to let the living shine. But of course, it would be quite wonderful to have more people we can rely on as we move forward even if they are already dead :-b
Well . If I had the power of changing sth in sociaty , I would drag in to education system immediately.
Maybe we can't change today's problems but we may can control the future by upbringing good humans .. who can listen carefully and respect to society elements
. Ummm..just this 4 now
I'm curious as to know what upbringing a good human means. A teacher might think that he's doing a good job of upbringing a child, but he may actually be harming the student without having any idea or even bad intentions
My point is, in a society where the goal is to improve the education, there needs to be a clear set of standards to compare the
;)students with. I'd like to know what those standards are for you
Just a reminder: The change you make doesn't need to be anything noble or something that would better people's lives. It could be something as stupid as making everyone wear red clothes
:)) and get on their knees whenever they see you
.I would to remove money from life
If you saw "In Time 2011" you know how does it important to people's life
.So i think The World is a better place without money
I'm curious as to know what upbringing a good human means. A teacher might think that he's doing a good job of upbringing a child, but he may actually be harming the student without having any idea or even bad intentions
My point is, in a society where the goal is to improve the education, there needs to be a clear set of standards to compare the
;)students with. I'd like to know what those standards are for you
So the teacher upbringing schedule must be the 1st step .. it is enough to teach our students to be respectful to others ..
  • لایک
امتیازات: THG
.I would to remove money from life
If you saw "In Time 2011" you know how does it important to people's life
.So i think The World is a better place without money
But I think without money ... most of things such as industrial activities will be disappeared dcz there will be no motivation any more
That means we won't have any improvement in humanity (except motivations which are related to colonialism)
If I could change something, I would make people use bicycles and skates and public transportation instead of cars to stop the heavy traffic in our streets.
  • لایک
امتیازات: THG
I would make rich people help poor ones so then there wouldn't be any poor or rich and everyone would be the same.
I would change the hot weather in Iran in summers:|
If I had the power
I would pay attention more to teachers and workers for a couple of reasons: first, the foundation of a country is made by them
Second, the culture of a country is made by them
If we want a better country we have to pay more attention to them