سارا خانم Hot Seat

موضوع بسته شده است.
:RedHeartLet's ask the first questions
1. What's your name?
2. How old are you?
3. What's your major?
4. Do you have a nickname? What's it?
5. Tell us your birth rank?
6. How tall are you?
7. What's your eye colour?
8. What's your favorite book?
9. What's your favorite colour?
10. What are you afraid of?
11. What's your favorite animal?
12. What's your favorite food?
13. Can you cook? If yes what?
helloooo my daughter

explain your last crush
?last bo_bo explain last time that you were mean
Describe yourself in three words or a sentence
Which letter of the alphabet describes you best
What is your hidden talent
:D:Dand for the last question:your idea about me​
If you look back, what factors do you erase from your life?

How can four people stand under one umbrella and not get wet?

Among users
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What's your idea about:

(I now that I ask same questions!!! )
?favorite animal? what makes them your favorite
Ur idea about me?
Being invisible or the ability of readings people's minds? Which one do you prefer?
your idea about me
Are you a gamer?(profesional or just for fun)
Choose between droping one million dollar and a kitten into a grinder
Do you watch anime?if so,whats your favorite anime character and why
?marvel or DC
If you had time a machine,what did you do with it?
Do you belive in exotic life forms?)(extraterrestrial life
Choose between zombie apocalypse and alien invasion ,then tell us your reason
sorry if it is too long
(and sorry if some of the words(or most of them
have wrong spells
i typed too fast
موضوع بسته شده است.