ThatOneGuy's hot seat

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Hi:) welcome to @ThatOneGuy hot seat
Please ask your questions and avoid spams:)
Until 2 Shahrivar
آخرین ویرایش:
Let's ask the first questions:)
1. What's your name?
2. How old are you?
3. What's your major?
4. Do you have a nickname? What's it?
5. Tell us your birth rank?
6. How tall are you?
7. What's your eye colour?
8. What's your favorite book?
9. What's your favorite colour?
10. What are you afraid of?
11. What's your favorite animal?
12. What's your favorite food?
13. Can you cook? If yes what?
What's your idea about:
How was The Entrance Exam?
Do u like math?
Have u ever been in love with somebody? Explain about it
Finally what do u think about me?
What's your name
Mohammad mehdi. I still have no idea why everyone calls me Amir :)
How old are you
will be nineteen late in October
What's your major
Math in high school, and quite possibly electrical engineering in college
Do you have a nickname? What's it
Amir is one :D
Tell us your birth rank
last child with an age difference of ten years from the second to last child lol
How tall are you
6feet(around 180 cm)
What's your eye colour
Light brown. the "light" part usually comes as a surprise when friends and family see my eyes in a sunny day since it's not so light to be obvious to tell
What's your favorite book
Demon haunted world by Carl Sagan is the first thing that comes to my mind
What's your favorite colour
Purple :D
What are you afraid of?

Very interesting question. I've wondered a lot about this myself. There are things that can make me feel scared of course. Darkness is one. But more often than not, when I spend enough time with my fears, they turn out to be illogical or unreasonable. Give me ten minutes without light and I'll come up with a way of dealing with the fear. Afraid of spiders? I'll befriend the next spider I see in my room (I've actually done this). So there are certainly things that make me feel scared, but I'm afraid of none of them (if that makes sense lol)
. What's your favorite animal?

Cats maybe? xD I like cute stuff. and for some reason tiny spiders have started to look kinda cute to me recently
. What's your favorite food?

ghrome sabzi, zereshk polo etc xD
Can you cook? If yes what?

Boiled eggs? :))

  1. What is the best way the 1% could spend their money?
  2. If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, What question would you ask?
  3. If you could ask advice from any historical (or fictional) figure, Who would it be? What would you ask them?
  4. Would you survive a zombie apocalypse? for how long?
  5. If you had a theme song, What would it be?
  6. What's the closest thing to magic in real life?
  7. what would your solution be to the Trolley problem?
I like persian literature a lot, and I owe that to reading a book for konkur called :قرابت معنایی از هامون سبطی
I never knew I could understand poems, but I later learned that it takes nothing but practice and willingness to learn. I don't really know much about Hafez yet, but I'm very willing to learn!
Waste of human lives, time and resources. Thankfully we're heading towards a more than ever peaceful earth, and there is no sign that another world war is every going to happen.
He worked hard for what he "thought" was true. There is generally nothing special about people killing other people and destroying everything for the sake of what they consider to be true. To me the only thing that makes Hitler special is his use of modern warfare which made the wars even deadlier
1:I think you're smart. I tend to take a look at profiles' post history when I first encounter them, and your posts definitely sounded and still like what my ideal of a smart person would say :D
2: You like my posts. That makes you better than 99% of the population of this planet
What is the best way the 1% could spend their money?
Something very interesting about the 1% thing is that you need a salary of 34,000 dollars to be in the top 1% of the world. The median salary in the US is around 55,000 dollars, which means that the average US citizen earns more than 99% of the worldwide population, AND is quite likely to enjoy,in his lifetime, a lifestyle unimaginable to humans for the most part of the history.
But anyway :D:
I don't think there is a "best" way to spend money. Best in what sense? The most ethical way? There is no "ethical" way of doing things. to me It would probably have to be a
large scale project. I wouldn't go as far as saying that spending money on a certain thing is the best way of spending it. If it was
up to me to spend the 1% money on something, I would translate as many English books and textbooks and websites and generally resources to the languages of the countries with the highest poverty rates, and make sure that they are accessible to their people. I'm positive that every human has the tools to find their right path. Then I would spend the rest on funding whatever scientific research that sound most promising for their field

  • If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, What question would you ask?
Answers are only interesting when you have contemplated the questions. I would pick 10,000 dollars over the answer to whatever scientific question I can ask that I can barely understand. And I don't know how it would change the world if I could know the absolute truth about something for the first time, and I wouldn't want to risk it :)

If you could ask advice from any historical (or fictional) figure, Who would it be? What would you ask them?
I would love to have dinner with certain dead (or alive) people or fictional characters, but I wouldn't ask them advice about anything. Curiosity comes out of the desire to find out the answer to a question you deeply care for, and in some cases, there is no one answer, and you have to find yours. No one likes spoilers

Would you survive a zombie apocalypse? for how long
If somehow everyone turned into zombies, I would kill myself before turning into one lol. But if there were survivors besides me, I would put my everything into beating the crap out of those damn zombies! But again would kill myself if I came close to turning into one. So not for long? xD:))

If you had a theme song, What would it be?
I actually do have a theme song I made for myself. It's just that I can't play any instrument lol. But I do have a good idea of how it would sound like (Hans Zimmer once said that his brain is his greatest instrument), and I have already written the lyrics for it :D

What's the closest thing to magic in real life?
I really enjoy watching the light scatter as it passes through glasses with different shapes and colors. And in some cases, I'm pretty sure that magic wouldn't look much different than the shapes you can make the sunlight take.

what would your solution be to the Trolley problem?
The thing about thought experiments is that they never happen :D. I've wondered about other variations of this problem and frankly, I don't think I have an answer for it. I do know what I would do in that situation though: I would try to stay calm and find a way to save everyone, but if it really came down to making the trolley kill people, I would make it go the route with one person lying on the track. I have no reason to pick one person over five

Wonderful questions!!!
which book genre do you like?write the name of some books you read in persian?write the name of some books you read in english
write the name of some movies you like?
your idea about me
How was The Entrance Exam?
Great by my standards. There is a decent chance that I'll get to study where I want to, which is wonderful
Do you like math?
Depends on the context. I tend to look at math as a tool for the most part, but I've had a very pleasant experience solving math problems of certain math textbooks and learning about what humans come up with when faced with questions.

Have u ever been in love with somebody? Explain about it
Nothing in particular comes to mind, but:
I've had tons of crushes, and I don't think love is much different than a crush, its just you have to put effort into a relationship to create love. I think what people describe as love at first sight, is actually crush at first sight coupled with a great amount of work poured into relationships
Finally what do u think about me?
My goal in life is to be a
باحال خوش
person. If you are what you describe to be, I think you're a fantastic person
آخرین ویرایش:
which book genre do you like?write the name of some books you read in persian?write the name of some books you read in english
non-fiction. It's been a while since I last read a story so I might start reading fiction for a while as well.

The last time I read a book in persian was a year ago (excluding the books I read for school), and it was a book called
از حال خوب به حال بد
it was something a therapist suggested me to read, and it changed the way I look at my life for sure

Some of my favorite books that I read in English
Demon Haunted World
Surely You're Joking Mr.Feynman
Genome: The Autobiography of A Species in 23 Chapters

write the name of som movies you like?
I'm not really a movie person, but I really enjoyed watching Interstellar, Inception, The Dark Knight etc
basically every movie Christopher Nolan made and Hans Zimmer wrote the score for is a favorite

your idea about me?
No idea :(
More questions !!!!
Being invisible or the ability of reading people's minds? Which one do you prefer? Why?

Living in a house in the seaside or in a modern penthouse? Why?

If you had a time Machine would you like to go to the past or the future? Why?
آخرین ویرایش:
Being invisible or the ability of reading people's minds? Which one do you prefer? Why
There is this hilarious anime called The Disastrous Life of Saiki Kusuo, about a boy called Saiki who has all kinds of superpowers. reading minds, flying, he can move back in time and all that. Name a superpower and he probably has it. Despite all of this, he hates his life. He thinks he's the most miserable human on this planet. And he has a good reason for it. Having superpowers comes with a price. His superman like strength means that he has to restrain his body to make sure that he doesn't harm anyone. Seeing .the future means that you don't get surprised at your birthday party. And reading minds? It means that you have to make sure that you're the first to watch the new episode of your favorite show among your friends because otherwise, you would hear their
!thoughts about it and the episode will be spoiled
Being invisible sounds like the less risky option, so I'll just take that. Besides, being invisible means that I get to sneak out of my house whenever I want to without having to specify to my parents what I'm going to do while I'm outside, down to the most excruciating details. Which would be nice lol

Living in a house in the seaside or in a modern penthouse? Why?
Let's see. A decent normal looking house in the seaside? sure. An old rusty house in the seaside? ehhh not sure. A penthouse with dull and bland looking white walls with nothing special about it but it's size and price? Not interested. I guess It all comes down to what the house has to offer. An old seaside house would be nice for thinking hard about your life's problems, and a large penthouse would be great for holding an end of the semester party with my friends.
Generally speaking though, I think it's more likely that I pick a penthouse over a seaside house

If you had a time Machine would you like to go to the past or the future? Why
Very interesting question. This is something that I've given some thought recently, and I think my answer is best described as the following:
I don't really want a time machine. Even if I had one, I wouldn't use it, since I am clueless about what kind of mess going back in time can cause. It could very well change life as I know it, And I'm not willing to risk that.
But, here's something similar to going back in time that I would totally do if I could: Ever played Assassin's creed? It's a game about someone who finds himself in a hospital-like place, where he's locked in in a room and is asked to test the new product of a tech company. The device is called The Animus, and can retrieve the memory of the ancestors of humans, by analysing their DNA (don't ask how lol) and lets your experience their lives as they saw it from their own eyes. If one of your ancestors was a king, you can experience being a king and living a king's life. This is the power of The Animus (the story as I remember it might not be very accurate xD)
What I would totally do, is using a maching, similar to The Animus, that lets me live the life of whoever I want, even if they lived in the future. I could be whoever I want, and see life through the eyes of other humans. To me, that's much more interesting (and less risky) than a time machine. If I had such a device, I would probably be more interested in seeing the past than the future. I really don't want to know how the world will look like in the next years and decades. It's more interesting that way :)

Awesome questions. Thinking about these hypothetical scenarios is so much fun
1. Who is your celebrity crush?
2.what can you not live without?
3. What is your happy place?
4. Who is your most beloved person in your life?
5. Do you like kids?
آخرین ویرایش:
. Who is your celebrity crush?
I don't think I have one lol. I mean I don't know. I never thought about it.
as far as can I remember, I've only ever had crushes on the people around me
.what can you not live without
Music is one. Physical pleasure would be another. The internet maybe? I've learned more on the internet than I've learned from both my school classes and parents combined
What is your happy place?
Interestingly I had no idea what a happy place is until a minute ago. A quick search on the internet returns this definition:
somewhere you can escape the stress and constraints of everyday life and feel completely at ease.
I hate being in my room in the morning. Or at any time of the day except late at night. I much prefer being somewhere else whenever possible. Anywhere would be fine to be honest. But somehow, when there is no light outside, and no one is around, I just can't get enough of my room. I love walking in it, thinking about my day, and thinking about tomorrow. Darkness somehow fires up my imagination
Who is your most beloved person in your life?
Myself. It might sound stupid but you're the only person who gets to hear all your thoughts and sees the world through your eyes. You will stay with you until death do you apart, and you're the only person with whom you get to be completely naked.
I do think they are funny and cute and all. But, I don't want any. Raising a child decently takes a huge amount of effort and commitment, and most parents I've met didn't have that. It's such a big responsibility, yet I've never met anyone who doubts their parenting capabilities.
They also eat up a large chunk of their parents' lives, which could have been used to make them better human beings. I don't think my opinion of them is ever going to change: cute, but no
آخرین ویرایش:
Do you play any video games?
Am I currently playing any videogames? sure I am! Two games actually, but it's been a while since I've last played one of them, so one? The one I'm playing at the moment is called Super Hexagon. It's a game about... well it doesn't really have a story. Basically, your task is to avoid all the different obstacles and walls and weird stuff coming at you. And it's freaking hard! it might not sound so, but it's really, really hard. There are six levels to clear in total and the difficulty level you start with is: guess what. hard! the
!difficulty level starts from hard and proceeds to hardestestest
Here's a gameplay video:
The game has three soundtracks, which may not sound like a lot, but they do a great job of conveying the feeling of rush and excitement throughout the game, and to me, they are crucial to get the best gaming experience.
Another game I played for a while recently is called Fez, and it's about a 2D character in a 2D world, who gets the power to make his world a 3D one. Your task is simply collect cubes (think Super Mario coins) And the interesting thing about the game is not really the story, but the gameplay and physics of the game's universe. I don't really want to go into details, but here's the trailer of the game for the curious:

What form of media do you usually consume? music, movies, games, books etc
Music and books for the most part. I've started to miss watching movies to be honest, as I've only watched one movie in the last six months. Maybe I'll watch one tonight? But anyway, I'm literally unable to go to sleep without having listened to music that day. I also read every day. I don't really prefer books over movies or anything, but movies tend to be about scenarios that I find boring, and I usually have a hard time finding the kind of movie that would be fun for me to watch. I generally avoid any movie (or for that matter, any form of media) with sad plots, or really serious plots, or action movies, or crime movies. lol.
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