Aliovski's hot seat

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Hi:) welcome to @Aliovski 's hot seat
Please ask your questions and avoid spams:)
Until Shahrivar 26
آخرین ویرایش:
Let's ask the first questions:)
1. What's your name?
2. How old are you?
3. What's your major?
4. Do you have a nickname? What's it?
5. Tell us your birth rank?
6. How tall are you?
7. What's your eye colour?
8. What's your favorite book?
9. What's your favorite colour?
10. What are you afraid of?
11. What's your favorite animal?
12. What's your favorite food?
13. Can you cook? If yes what?
;)hi sweety
:)):))explain your last crush
?last bo_bo
explain last time that you were mean
Describe yourself in three words or a sentence
Which letter of the alphabet describes you best
What is your hidden talent
?Dinner with a person (past, present, future) of your choice: Who would you pick
?What do you like to do in your free time
?If you could change your name, what would it be
?What is your ideal first date
?What is one thing you would change about yourself
?What is something we don't know about you
?which one of girl in site do you prefer to chat
:D:Dand for the last question:your idea about me​
hi bro :)
your biggest fear :
your favorite country :
your favorite book :
your favorite song :
your favorite singer :
your best friend in the site :
tag these people(only girls) you cant repeat a name more than 2 times
kindest :
smartest :
most beautiful :
stupid :
nosy :
crazy :
logical :
choose one :only one
kebab -spaghetti
(hello (song)_(darya(song
book - song
geometry - algebra
@سارا خانم - @f hojjati
@MAHDI..... - @PMW
@Nahal. - @melika.84 - @Z.BBH04
@mahdiar84 - @amirreza rhn
@mitrax - @Mindy
(your idea about me :(more than a line
cu bro :)
آخرین ویرایش:
??have you ever had girl friend

?What was your most embarassing moment
?What was the silliest thing you’ve ever done
?Are you more like your mom or your dad
?Do you want children? If yes, how many? If no, why
?your idea a bout me:-?:|
Hello my kind uncle!:-h
How're you?
Your best birthday gift:
Your worst birthday gift:
Flies, mosquitoes or beetles?:-"
mitra is your crash?:-?
How old would you like to be? Why?
Your best friend on the site?
Comment on the following users:
@RZWN (me(
wooooooooooowwwww... look .holyy shiitt
hiii bro
asked all question I had:eek::eek::-w
your opinion about me(more than 2 line)
Hi Ali...

What's your idea about
Let's ask the first questions:)
1. What's your name?
2. How old are you?
3. What's your major?
4. Do you have a nickname? What's it?
5. Tell us your birth rank?
6. How tall are you?
7. What's your eye colour?
8. What's your favorite book?
9. What's your favorite colour?
10. What are you afraid of?
11. What's your favorite animal?
12. What's your favorite food?
13. Can you cook? If yes what?
4. Sausage
5. First born
8.Book thief
10.I dont know
13.Yes of course.some basic foods like pizza,rice and etc
What had happened exactly
hi bro :) hi my little sister *_*
your biggest fear : IDK
your favorite country : IRAN
your favorite book : "Da",from Azam hosseini
your favorite song : Love story from T.S
your favorite singer : Camilla cabelo
your best friend in the site : So hard to choose but @Bita2003 or @aliiii9
tag these people(only girls) you cant repeat a name more than 2 times
kindest : @Nahal.
smartest : @melika.84
most beautiful : :|
stupid : IDK
nosy : IDK
crazy : @Mhr-Sana
logical : IDK
choose one :eek:nly one
kebab -spaghetti kebab
nutella-marshmallow nutella
Darya(hello (song)_(darya(song
book - song song
geometry - algebra Geometry
@سارا خانم - @f hojjati @ @f hojjati
@MAHDI..... - @PMW @mahdi...
@Nahal. - @melika.84 - @Z.BBH04 @Z.BBH04
@mahdiar84 - @amirreza rhn @amirreza rhn
@mitrax - @Mindy @mitrax
(your idea about me :(more than a line
Well,a genius Good girl who wants something more than normal people's goals,she want to change the world with science
آخرین ویرایش:
:Lets get into the video
?Your favorite game genre
?John wick vs james bond
?pirates vs ninjas
anime do you whatch anime? If yes,wich character is your favorite
Which topic do you hate the most in mathematics?
?Alien invasion or zombie apocalypse
?marvel vs dc
?Most useless man invention
? do you belive in life in outer space
throwing down one million dollar or a kitten in a grinder?
?Hardest game you have ever played

موضوع بسته شده است.