?How was your experience with moving to a new city

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I recently moved out of my parents' house to start my new life in a dormitory in Tehran with four other people. The last few days have been especially eventful,
.sometimes more than I could handle easily

Although challenging, the experience of having to make connections with strangers you just met and becoming a bit more independent in the process has been a very exciting one for me.

I want to know about your experience with moving to a new city. How has it affected you? Do you
think about your old house often, or have you already become accustomed to not waking up in that
?old room

!Tell me all about it

The last time I moved to a new city was 9 or 10 years ago, I moved to another country with my parents, I remember that I couldn't talk to anyone cause they couldn't speak Persian. But I don't remember very much about that times. Expect my friends at school, I couldn't speak to anybody else.
Three years ago, we moved to a new house, a whole new place and a new room. It was a little hard for me to get accustomed to it.
Every morning I was asking myself where I am?
But after a little time, it will be ok. Don't worry.
But, about living with four new people, it may be a little hard. You may not like them, you may not have enough privacy and they could invade your privacy.
If I were in your shoes, I would try to live by myself. I mean, I would try to don't care about the others and also don't annoy them. You can have some rules in your home, for example try to keep the house clean together or don't be noisy in sleep time.
آخرین ویرایش:
But, about living with four new people, it may be a little hard. You may not like them, you may not have enough privacy and they could invade your privacy.
If I were in your shoes, I would try to live by myself. I mean, I would try to don't care about the others and also don't annoy them. You can have some rules in your home, for example try to keep the house clean together
The lack of privacy for me is the main difference between living in my own room and living with people I met a week ago. Luckily living in a dorm room doesn't necessarily mean that you have to do everything together. Can't study when your loud roommates are watching a soccer match? There's always the library. Need some time to yourself to think about the future? Take a walk outside and stay out for as long as long as you need. Although limited, everyone needs some time to themselves.
But the importance of teamwork in living a decent dorm life can't be emphasized enough. Everyone should be trying to contribute something positive and useful to their shared lives.
But as you said, it's probably better and easier to just not take things too seriously, and try to have fun.​
It took me a long time to get use to living on Germany. I had to live with my uncle and I wasn't used to live like that.Tehran and Germany were very different from each other. I could just speak English and no one answers to me.you know,every thing was hard for me. I love living on another country,but on the other side,living on a foreign country has many problems.so it bothered me a little, but it was fun.:-b
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