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VS code بر پایهی وب نیست.نظرتون راجب jetbrains fleet چیه ؟
یچیزی توی مایه های ویژوال استودیو کده
ولی بر پایه وب نیست و خیلی سریع تره
Electron is the main framework that enables VS Code for desktop to run on all our supported platforms (Windows, macOS, and Linux). It combines Chromium with browser APIs, the V8 JavaScript engine, and Node.js APIs, as well as platform integration APIs to build cross platform desktop applications.VS code بر پایهی وب نیست.
بنابراین برپایه وبهElectron is the main framework that enables VS Code for desktop to run on all our supported platforms (Windows, macOS, and Linux). It combines Chromium with browser APIs, the V8 JavaScript engine, and Node.js APIs, as well as platform integration APIs to build cross platform desktop applications.
A web-based application is any program that is accessed over a network connection using HTTP, rather than existing within a device’s memory. Web-based applications often run inside a web browser. However, web-based applications also may be client-based, where a small part of the program is downloaded to a user’s desktop, but processing is done over the internet on an external server.
حاجی الکترون جی اس اگه بری مستنداتش رو هم بخونی میبینی با html css پیکربندیشو انجام میدنهر چیزی که با js نوشته بشه بر پایهی وب نیست.