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کاربر حرفه‌ای
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سال فارغ التحصیلی
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شیطان پرستیِ آنتوان لاوی(ص)
من قبلا اینجا تاپیکی داشتم که گفت و گو هایی با مضمون های فکری یا شاید اسمشو بشه بگذاریم فلسفی حالا قصدم این هست که این تاپیک رو برای خودم تمام لینک ها یا متن هایی که از جابجای اینترنت می خونم قرار بدم که هم برای من در بعدا و هم برای دیگری مفید باشه
شاید توی همین تاپیک خوانش کتابی رو هم شروع کردم
  • شروع کننده موضوع
  • #2


کاربر حرفه‌ای
نام مرکز سمپاد
علامه حلی
سال فارغ التحصیلی
حوزه علمیه قم
رشته دانشگاه
شیطان پرستیِ آنتوان لاوی(ص)
Why are people defending Palestine/Hamas even though they were the ones that attacked Israel
پاسخی که بیش ترین امتیاز رو گرفته؛
will try and give a serious answer even though I agree with the feeling behind the question.

People are busy with their own lives and don’t make a real study of the situation in other countries. They might get information from social media or TV, and some people do follow the news, but they don’t know the history of the conflict.

On the face of it, it appears that Israel has power and the Palestinians are poor and being bombarded by superior Israeli fighting machines. And as many people on Quora tell me, vast numbers of Palestinians have been killed and far fewer Israelis.

All that is true. But it hides a much more complicated truth. For instance, the difference in the numbers of dead is because the Israeli government has spent literally millions (maybe billions) of dollars in protecting its citizens, not only the development of Iron Dome, but shelters in every city and school, an extensive early warning system and more. Hamas has not spent one red cent; they have shelters - a vast network of underground tunnels - but that is where the militants hide, while they leave the ordinary people above ground and vulnerable so they can then display all the dead bodies for public relations..

And that hides a more complicated truth - if Israel were willing to let the Palestinians develop an independent state, and give them economic cooperation, Hamas would not have so much support, and would not have been elected.

And that hides more complicated truths - because Hamas was elected as part of a unity government and then seized total power in a coup, and nobody would dare to speak up against them today. Conversely - when Israel signed the Oslo Accords and allowed the Palestinians an armed police force, Palestinian opponents started bombing Israeli restaurants, buses and malls, convincing Israelis that concssions to them were dangerous.

It goes on, and on, and on, and on, and is just plain complicated. Even in the days when people read lots of books and newspapers, most people didn’t have the time to delve into the complications of other countries’ conflicts. I myself know almost nothing about India in its first days of independence, for instance.

But today in the era of populist media, people grab onto what they see and think they know something, and most people have good and passionate hearts and care about others, so they rush to protest for whoever seems superficially like the underdog.

And yes, there is also a lot of underlying contempt and hatred for Jews in many places.
لینک متن:
Answer to Why are people defending Palestine/Hamas even though they were the ones that attacked Israel? by Kupferman Judy https://www.quora.com/Why-are-peopl...share=41b58aa5&srid=u9PUp6&target_type=answer

پاسخ چیزی رو مطرح کرد که من قبلا به ذهنم نرسیده بود آمار کشته شده های غیر نظامی نشون از بی کفایتی حکومتی که مردم اون منطقه رو برعهده داره رو نشون می ده

اما یک چیز دیگه تو متن که نظرم رو جلب کرد قبلا فردی به من گفته بود که چرا اسرائیل به plo یا حماس اجازه ی یک سری امکانات نمی ده
نویسنده ی متن به واقعه ای اشاره می کنه که من نوعی نمی دونستم
  • شروع کننده موضوع
  • #3


کاربر حرفه‌ای
نام مرکز سمپاد
علامه حلی
سال فارغ التحصیلی
حوزه علمیه قم
رشته دانشگاه
شیطان پرستیِ آنتوان لاوی(ص)
سوال :
چرا اعراب از military سرویس idf معاف هستند؟
Why are Israeli Arabs exempt from military service?
Arab soldiers would be placed under intense emotional stress by basically being forced to be in combat against their people, and oftentimes, their own family members.

Many Palestinian/Arab-Israelis have family in the West Bank and Gaza, and that presents a massive internal conflict for any Arab who chooses to serve in the IDF. The government understands that, and therefore we are exempt from military service.

I, for instance, have family in Ramallah, and I would find it difficult having to serve, and this is the situation for many other Arab/Palestinian-Israeli young people.

The Druze, however, are conscripted, but they don’t face the moral issues of fighting against your own family and ethnicity, because a lot of Druze people view themselves as a separate ethnic group, and there are almost no Druze people in the West Bank and Gaza, so they wouldn’t be pitted against their own family members.

Many Arabs are willing to serve in other ways. Sherut Leumi (National Service) is a popular option among Arabs, and I am considering doing it. It will let me serve, but in my community, and without me feeling intense guilt. You get the significant benefits for being a veteran as well which is a plus
Answer to Why are Israeli Arabs exempt from military service? by Layan Elias (ليان الياس) https://www.quora.com/Why-are-Israe...share=d9f0752a&srid=u9PUp6&target_type=answer

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