پاسخ : Your Own Stories
Dream Catch Me
By: Ehsan.J
It was a cloudy day. A few hours ago it was raining but now it was just its smell all over. Leaves had fallen from trees and covered the ground. They were all wet. Even though the Green color of Trees and grass around me looked different. I was in the park, walking in the cold weather of fall. My left hand was in my pocket, I wanted to keep it warm but my right hand was warmer. I was holding her hand. We, holding hands, made me feel like my hand is in front of sun shine. She was beautiful.
Winds coming and going brought the coldness of the park in our faces. Her Black hair was moving because of that. She was lovely. With the pair of Converse covering her feet, Jeans and a black shirt as usual, and the purple Overcoat that I bought for her birthday, and the fact that without any make up on her face, she was so beautiful. I felt she's holding my hand a little harder. "Is something wrong, honey?" I asked. "No, it's just…. It's so cold here…" She answered. "Do you wanna go home?" Even though I already knew the answer of that question, I asked it anyway. She said" No, I don't want to go home, you know why, I just wanna be with you tonight." At that moment we stopped walking. I looked into her face. A part of her hair was covering one of her eyes. I put it aside with my hand so that I could look directly into her eyes. "It's ok honey. I know where to go…." And then a hug came full of passion and love.
The park was like a huge jungle. There were a lot of small cottages around, built far from each other in the middle of the tall trees and green grass. Most families came to their own cottages in the hot weather of summer to stay in weekends. But in that season, I could certainly say that all of them were empty. One of these cottages belonged to my grandfather. When he died 2 years ago, he gave me this cottage to be for myself. Overreaction was my first response. I told myself "Why would he give me this old cottage? It has no use for me. "I was expecting something more valuable from him. But now I suddenly realized how great this gift was for me. "Come on! Let's go" I said as I took her hand. I decided to take her to the cottage.
I opened the door; darkness and coldness were the first things I saw in the dead space of Cottage. I tried turning on the light but it wasn't working. "Damn it!" I said angrily. "Oh, baby it doesn't matter! Do you have some candles around?" she said.
- "Yeah, I think we may have some …"
- "Ok, so we have no problem with the light now!"
There was smile on my face as I was lighting the candles. The darkness went away as the sweet light of my grandfather's old candles filled the cottage. But still, it was cold. "Alright, honey, I'm gonna go out to bring some woods and when I'm back I'll make you some coffee, ok?" I asked. However it was not like a question. She just nodded along with a little smile on her pretty face. Looking for small pieces of woods, I couldn't stop thinking about her. I couldn't wait to get back to the cottage. Finally I finished my job without any concentration, I walked all the way back to the cottage. There was jump in my steps as I rushed to see her. Opened the door, she was in front of me, looking into my eyes. There were some old flowers in her hand. "These are for you!" She said as she handed over the flowers to me. Woods fell of my hand. I was so surprised. "I love you" she said. Little tears were coming out of her eyes. "I love you more!" I said as I hug her. I was taller than her so I could easily smell her hair. It smelled like paradise. I put my right hand into her hair very slowly. The feeling was something no one can imagine. The moment passed, hug finished, I started wiping out the tears in her eyes. "I made you coffee!" she said as she pointed to two small cups.
-"Oh thanks! Ok, I'm gonna make a fire with these woods!"
-"Oh, yeah it's …. It's so cold in here"
Like the darkness, fire made the coldness go away. At that moment, the cottage was no longer dead. It was now, a romantic space, with the light of the candles and the warmth of the fire. Night came at last. It was all dark outside. We both were taking to each other sitting in the old chairs near the fire. She talked about her feelings, her problems. So did I. There were moments that we both cried. There were moments that we both laughed. And all I was thinking, was "My God, I'm the luckiest man in the world!" hours passed. I looked at her. She was tired.
-" Do you wanna get some sleep honey?"
-" Yeah, I'm so tired!"
-"Ok, but there's no bed in here!"
-"No problem baby, I just sleep here, in the chair. It's near the fire and I feel warm. Can I just ask you something?"
-"Can you stay here and hold my hand till I fall asleep? It makes me feel safe!"
-"Oh yeah, of course honey, I do anything for my love… "
And so I held her hand. She closed her eyes slowly. I could stay there all night, watching her sleep. After a half an hour or so, I slowly stood up. I wanted to get a cover to put on her so that she won't be cold. Then I heard her words: "oh… no, don't go! Please stay..." I couldn't tell she was sleep or she was awake. But I did as she wanted me to. I sat and held her hand again. I looked at her beautiful face. She was sleeping so peacefully. I truly loved her and I knew she had the same feeling for me. I could never let her go. She was the love of my life…
I never realized how long I was sitting her watching her sleep. I was so tired. As I noticed that it was still dark outside, my eyes were closing slowly. I fell asleep, still holding her hand.
-" Ouch! What the HELL is wrong with you?!x"
I opened my eyes. I was lying on the ground which was covered in wet leaves. I was in the middle of the park. I looked around. There was a man in front of me, fallen down just like me. "What? What happened?" I asked.
-" What happened? You were walking with closed eyes, that's what happened! Are you crazy?"
-" but I was…. I was in the cottage…. Candles… fire …..She was…x "
-" Ok now I do know that you're crazy!x"
I was confused. Does this mean that it was all a Dream? "Oh, I'm so sorry sir" I said, filled with confusion. He looked at me angrily but he didn't say anything. He stood up cleaned his clothes with his hands and went away. I was still on the ground, slowly realizing that i was seeing a dream while walking. I had a dream about her again. A group of young girls were passing. They noticed me. "Oh, look at him!", "Uh oh! Your girlfriend left you?!", "Come on guys! Leave him alone! He has some crying to do!" and they went away still laughing. I didn't say anything. I stood up. My clothes were all covered in dust. I started walking, while I was looking around. Cottages, trees, fallen leaves were all there. But she wasn't there. It was a Cloudy day, it was cold. x