Who has an account in Livemocha? x

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[ltr]Who has an account in Livemocha.com? [/ltr]

x For the Love of God, PLEASE pay attention to the Rules. YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO SPEAK PERSIAN IN THIS FORUM. PLEASE take a look at English association Rules x
پاسخ : كي تو livemocha ozve

[ltr]I am a member, but i haven't been there for 6 month! [/ltr]

x You are not supposed to speak Persian x
پاسخ : كي تو livemocha ozve

If you haven't been there for 6 month. i think Your account is expired​

x You are not supposed to speak Persian x
پاسخ : كي تو livemocha ozve

i have an account in this site. its very cool! i am learning korean languege in there ;D
پاسخ : كي تو livemocha ozve

i think U should speak english here!!
پاسخ : Who has an account in Livemocha? x

به نقل از Dokhtare ariyaE :
i think U should speak english here!!
Good Girl! finally someone figured out the rules in this forum! thanx! and a+ as a reward! x
پاسخ : Who has an account in Livemocha? x

What's this website about?
پاسخ : Who has an account in Livemocha? x

Oh.....I found out!
But another question!
doest is really work?
پاسخ : Who has an account in Livemocha? x

tell us the address
and what is it good 4?;D
پاسخ : Who has an account in Livemocha? x

i think its good 4 learning different languages
پاسخ : Who has an account in Livemocha? x

Livemocha is probably the right place to share languages. I've alreally got an account there but I never really got to find partners to speak. However, I find livemocha really helpful if you've got enough time and a reasonable internet speed.
پاسخ : Who has an account in Livemocha? x

به نقل از زرينه :
Livemocha is probably the right place to share languages. I've alreally got an account there but I never really got to find partners to speak. However, I find livemocha really helpful if you've got enough time and a reasonable internet speed.
reasonable internet speed? in iran? What a funny joke! x
پاسخ : Who has an account in Livemocha? x

به نقل از EhsanJ :
reasonable internet speed? in iran? What a funny joke! x
It really is! That's why I always avoided to take my time there. It drived me crazy waiting for a short message to be sent
So I don't really think Livemocha is a good choice for Iranians.
I personally prefer websites which lets you share languages by making friends who you can write to. The following
websites can be useful:
They really worked for me! ;D