To My God

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کاربر فوق‌حرفه‌ای
نام مرکز سمپاد
فرزانگان خرم آباد
مدال المپیاد
المپیاد شیمی و زبان
[ltr]Oh my GOD

Oh my dear

I don't know what should i say but i want speak to u

i want to say that I LOVE U

But i don't know why sometimes u didn't hear my whine

Every day and every night i call u but sometimes u didn't answer

My GOD, my dear

Sometimes i'm sad and i feel bad

i see you and your sky

And speak to u until my eyes take a race with spring clouds

After that i feel free

u come to my heart and give me relax

in that time im feel very STRANGE

And feel any things cant fall me

Because i have you in my heart
I love you my God[/ltr]
پاسخ : To My GOD

Sometimes I wanna be waked up from this dream
sometimes I wanna be seen
sometimes U heart me
sometimes U fail me
sometimes I wanna talk to U but I can't express my motions and words
At the end.....
when all the thing that I know have been buried
I would say"I wish that destiny was written by another hand"
Please forgive me for all the sins that I Committed against U.....
Please forgive me O,God......
پاسخ : To My GOD

I wish I could believe you!
پاسخ : To My GOD

i love you MY GOD but im soooo tired​
پاسخ : To My GOD

oh my dear GOD
THANK U thank you​
پاسخ : To My GOD

I feel like I've lost my God and even this page won't help...
پاسخ : To My GOD

i was forgetting you
but as always
you didn't leave me alone
thanks alot
i love you my god
you are the best friend at all
stay my friend for ever
i just want one thing
you now it better than me
love you for ever :x
پاسخ : To My GOD

Dear God
u've always had my back no matter what
I just wanted to thanQ 4 that
and ask you to help my friends
my beloved ones
and those who matter to me
As you've helped me through my life
tnQ again >:D<
پاسخ : To My GOD

when i arrive here,i can't undrestand more...
my god...
sometimes you're very hard!
(Erfan Nazar Ahari)
پاسخ : To My GOD

i need ur help
take my hands :(
پاسخ : To My GOD

See I say....I've lost you....they all talked to you directly and all I could do was to talk about you to them....Finding you,I'll find everything ....​
پاسخ : To My GOD

I love u
whenever I think u`ve forgotten me u send a message and prove me that I`m wrong
u took a lot of important things from first I was so angry & I couldn`t forgive u but now I undrestand​
پاسخ : To My GOD

You seem really nice...
پاسخ : To My GOD

i wanna to be calm but i couldn't
help me God :(