Your Life Story

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کاربر فوق‌حرفه‌ای
نام مرکز سمپاد
شهید هاشمی نژاد 1 مشهد
دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد
رشته دانشگاه
زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی
In this topic you have to introduce yourself. You can write a short biography about yourself and ask your questions about each other's life stories. Please do not post any spams. We are here to get to know each other better. i hope it's useful for all of you. x​
پاسخ : Your Life Story

I've started studying Eng since I was 11 .Then,I didn't like Eng at all! ;D
my mother told me It's better to continue the ILI classes,so I did what she said...
I started from the beginning.The "Start"level & continued studying Eng at the ILI ...
& I finished the young adult Eng series!
& now I really thank my mom,'Cuz I remember the day she told me to continue...
So Today I'm studying at the adult department of the ILI,& I'll finish 4 terms later...
I advise all to do what their parents say!
پاسخ : Your Life Story

i like enlish and i start it when i was 6 yeras father was the first teacher for me .l know english now very well and i like it starting spinish now and i know that i like it too
پاسخ : Your Life Story

narges and eqsan speak about the history of their studying Eng i start with it too
I've studied Eng since i was 13 ,in that time my mother told me go to english class and i like it too
now a day iam studying in ILI classes too but i haven't enough time for it and i should forget it until i go to university
about myself i can say a little because others should say it
im a good student in school and i am very happy girl and intimate i cann't say any thing else now

پاسخ : Your Life Story

Ive studying Eng since I was 9 because my mom & dad always talking to each other Eng and some times French so I shoud learne it !!!
I have a question :we should talk about our life or about the history of our studying Eng like narges & eqsan?​
پاسخ : Your Life Story

the point of this topic is taliking about ur life not how you learnd english. so please from now on tell us something about your life like how old are you or how you grew up... thanx x
به نقل از freebird :
Ive studying Eng since I was 9 because my mom & dad always talking to each other Eng and some times French so I shoud learne it !!!
I have a question :we should talk about our life or about the history of our studying Eng like narges & eqsan?​
Thnx for reminding that x
پاسخ : Your Life Story

well i don't know what should I say!!!
right now i'm 16 years old & i 'm under alot of stress
I don't know why....
maybe i'm so worry about my feature
for example money,university,house & things like them
my goal in life is to enjoy every second of it in every situation & try so hard to reach my dreams
although these days i'm so stressful but i always love my life,my family,my friends & myself!!!
i even enjoy taking risks and doing exciting things
پاسخ : Your Life Story

[ltr] I started ENG when I was 7 but my studing wasnt very rigular
my life was very good and happy but now Im so sad and hopeless.
I always cried and it was the only thing that I enjoyed cuz i felt thet im unuseful.
but 2 nights later I kissed away the shame and I explained my mother my problems and she really helped me.
now I m feel better.
I talked to my mother as a friend and I told her every thing in my mind
I understood that my mother can be my best friend and Im sory because its too late for have a good connection with my mother
I should understand t before

but....totaly there are another problems for me that i can not tell anybody and I have to solve them with myself.

I wanna be brave against what people say about me.

do you know...I love myself!!!

but im not vary talkative so sombodies!think that I dont understand anything!

I can nat explain my thoughts clearly and its why sometimes misunderstanding happen between me and the others! ... [ltr/]
پاسخ : Your Life Story

i've started english lerning since when i was at11 and i developed very fast but when i was at 13 i couldn't continue my learning and that Chasm was length to 1year(whe i went to the 14)i again went to the academy to now that i've15 years old and i'm in fce
and every time say thanks to god and my parents

that's all
پاسخ : Your Life Story

hey hey!
why all of you are talking about when did you start Eng?!!!!
YOUR LIFE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!
پاسخ : Your Life Story

Come on....
Why doesn't anyone tell us about her/his life story?​
پاسخ : Your Life Story

[ltr]my life is a tragedy! [ltr/]
پاسخ : Your Life Story

I love English and started to learn it when I was 11 or 12 , I think .
پاسخ : Your Life Story

my life is a story.its a simple story but not exagerated like them.its beautiful though.and i dont know the end of this novel but i like it to have open ending.anyway,im kind of girl cant concentrate sometimes and i have lots of goddam questions from this damn world if you wanna know.i suppose i dont have any place in the world and kind of extra.or i exist and world is extra for favorite author is Kafka.last year was a year i started to change my personality and my foculty became obvios but not exactly.another important happening that will happen in my life is my travel to canada to stay living there next year and i should improve my english as hell this year so i wont need to go to any english classes there.
پاسخ : Your Life Story

all right! hi, i'm Taylor! i'm 15 and i live in sanandaj i study in farzanegan school and i like it! i always try to enjoy my days but it's impossible! homeworks do not let us!
i'm an easy going girl and i have a perfect relashion ship with my friends! i have started English when i was 9! and i 'm still studying ,i love English so much and of course PHYSICS AND MATH! i 'm a fan of Taylor swift and i'm always listening to her songs while i'm studying ,when i'm at school , on school bus or where ever u think. u must see my chair at school it is designed by me and it's all about taylor some times i make my friends crazy with taylor! and of course the only thing that u can see in my bedroom is TAYLOR! generally i listen to music a lot and i like watching movies! THAT'S ALL!