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دزفول، اهواز
علوم پزشکی تهران
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Hi...I'm here to ask u a Q, what's ur opinion abt teaching and learning english grammer here?in fact if you want i can teach you do you like?...if yes do you think it shoud be eng,per,or both of them?​
پاسخ : Grammer

enf ?
What Does It mean ?
But I Think We Have a Topic To ask our Eng questions and Your topic is not very necessary
It will besome a very very long topic I Think
and There are a lot of books and sites To learn Grammer Completely and Better
I think It Can Not Be Very useful and will Be Boring
And I Think We Can learn English Well when we study them together.
for example a grammer spot , a dialogue and an article
I don`t know That my Sentences were clear or no
But I Think this is not necessary
and it is my idea​
پاسخ : Grammer

به نقل از کــو ییــ ــ ــن :
enf ?
What Does It mean ?
But I Think We Have a Topic To ask our Eng questions and Your topic is not very necessary
It is My idea.
enf:sry it was a mistake i mean eng...english
yes there is a topic but my idea is to start studying grammer from first to end,completly!
پاسخ : Grammer

Good idea ! :>
پاسخ : Grammer

I think levels are Diffrent ; So ...
what do U wanna Start With ? Levels Of Readers Are Not the Same.
پاسخ : Grammer

به نقل از ' Shek8fe ' :
I think levels are Diffrent ; So ...
what do U wanna Start With ? Levels Of Readers Are Not the Same.
hmm...i guess i start from basic things but with exceptions i think no one hates a short review ;Di promise to do it as fast as possible
Active Verb Forms1

Future, present and past; simple, progressive and perfect
English verbs can refer to future, present or past time.
Future: she will see you tomorrow.
Present: I am watching you.
Past: who said that?
For each kind of time, there are three possibilities with most verbs: simple, progressive (be+ing) and perfect (have+past participle).
Simple present: I start.
Present progressive: I am starting.
Present perfect: I have started.
Verb forms (tenses) and time
There is not a direct relationship between verb forms and times. For example, a past verb like went is not only used to talk about past events (e.g. we went to Morocco last January), but also about unreal or uncertain present or future events (e.g. it would be better if we went home now). And present verbs can be used to talk about the future (e.g. I’m seeing peter tomorrow). Also, progressive and perfect forms express ideas that are not simply concerned with time – for example continuation, completion, present importance.​
To Be Continued
پاسخ : Grammer

don't disappoint me :(
پاسخ : Grammer

I do Not know That What the difference is
"Between This Topic and Prolix English Books , Livelong Eng. Books and English Grammer Books "
I Think , To Have an Excellent Topic , a new One , You Have To Try to Beget a Topic ,
That Teaches Users English Grammer Through New Ways
Every Body Can Create A Topic such as It
Make It Different If You Want To Make It Intersting
You Can Put Pictures To Teach and Other Rates.
It was My Opinion​
پاسخ : Grammer

به نقل از کوییــ ـ ـن :
I do Not know That What the difference is
"Between This Topic and Prolix English Books , Livelong Eng. Books and English Grammer Books "
I Think , To Have an Excellent Topic , a new One , You Have To Try to Beget a Topic ,
That Teaches Users English Grammer Through New Ways
Every Body Can Create A Topic such as It
Make It Different If You Want To Make It Intersting
You Can Put Pictures To Teach and Other Rates.
It was My Opinion​
Well said. x

and btw, Grammer is spelled like this: Grammar x
پاسخ : Grammer

به نقل از ƊREAƊ :
Well said. x

and btw, Grammer is spelled like this: Grammar x

Yes , I was Shady But I Thought about The HeadLine Of Topic ( and Thought is true ) That was Grammer and I Wrote Such as This
It Was a Blunder : ;D
I Created a New Post Because I Could not Edit My Last Wrtiting​
پاسخ : Grammer

i need somw1 to help me,they should not do anything special just read and ask Qs,any volunteer?
پاسخ : Grammer

look, lady, we already have a question and answer topic mostly about grammar. i made it myself ages ago...x​
به نقل از کوییــ ـ ـن :
Yes , I was Shady But I Thought about The HeadLine Of Topic ( and Thought is true ) That was Grammer and I Wrote Such as This
It Was a Blunder : ;D
I Created a New Post Because I Could not Edit My Last Wrtiting​
lol... but u know i wasnt pointing out your mistake. I was talking about the headline of this topic :/x​
پاسخ : Grammer

Hi.First of all id like to start of saying thanks to ur perfect topic,afterwards since Ive started learning English Ive had problems with the grammer below:
?Could you plz help me with that
پاسخ : Grammer

thank you for your nice topic =D> but it's better to say the name of the next grammar and let the others to teach it. it can be a good training for the ones who want to be English teachers in the future ;)!
پاسخ : Grammer

don't you want to say what the next grammar part which is going to taught is?
پاسخ : Grammer

i cant learn and remember grammer.i have meny week i would have jounior exam but i dont know any thing about grammer.h can speak well and i know many words but grammer.........what should i do?
پاسخ : Grammer

به نقل از president :
i cant learn and remember grammar.i have many week i would have junior exam but i don't know any thing about grammar.h can speak well and i know many words but grammar.........what should i do?
I have never learned grammars by reading and then memorizing them
In my idea the best way for learning grammars is using them
try to make sentences using new grammars you learn
try to watch movies and read story books more
پاسخ : Grammar

.The "English Questions Or Problems" topic will be used instead of this one
.Feel free to ask for grammar lessons there; they can also be given in Persian if you need them to
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