Make sentences with the given groups of words

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is there anyone that he/she can make sentences or groups of words with this groups of letters


پاسخ : make sentence or goup of words

it is too much difficul
isn,t it better to start with making words.
not group of words.[/ltr]
پاسخ : make sentence or goup of words

i need some words that contain these smells
پاسخ : make sentences with the given goups of words

So,here we go :

make funny sentences with the given words [note : all the words should be used in one single sentence .] ! then present three other words for the next person

Hope It'll be fun! ;)

First Group of words :

  • لایک
امتیازات: faen
پاسخ : make sentences with the given goups of words

Politics use banana's skin as a diaper for their children. ! ;D
پاسخ : make sentences with the given goups of words

please give words that are adequate enough for the forum and the vibe here!!!! plz
پاسخ : make sentences with the given goups of words

business man , Roof , Airplane
I think These are suitable . s​
پاسخ : make sentences with the given goups of words

the business man jumped from the roof to reach the airplane
well now im gonna write three words :> ;D
happy - internet - dictator
پاسخ : make sentences with the given goups of words

Dictators are never happy with internet ! Therefore they block it in areas in which they rule
Brain - chocolate - diapre
پاسخ : make sentences with the given goups of words

My Brain has ordered me to eat Chocolate since I was a baby in Diaper. ;D

mirror, time , out side
پاسخ : make sentences with the given goups of words

the out side of mirror shows me the time fleet

پاسخ : make sentences with the given goups of words

به نقل از وکیل آینده! :
the out side of mirror shows me the time fleet

A credulous person thinks that sky is eternal. ;;)
glasses, air , fire
  • لایک
امتیازات: fteh
پاسخ : make sentences with the given goups of words

He cleaned his glasses while gazing at the fire in the horizon and the ashes gently floating in the air.​

potato, marker, artist
پاسخ : make sentences with the given goups of words

an artist should be able to paint on potato by a marker

pace,adjust,cute :>
پاسخ : make sentences with the given goups of words

A cute guy should be able to adjust his walking pace. :-"

Infinity, Food, Overcoat​
پاسخ : Make sentences with the given goups of words

your overcoat was infinity dirty by the way you eat food

intention- nod-desire