Discuss about lie &truth

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مهندسی عمران- نقشه برداری
IN this topic i want make discussion about lie &truth and I wanna khow your idea
Do you think it's possible to be truthful all the time? ^-^
would you prefer live in truthful world or in lie? ???​
پاسخ : Discuss about lie &truth

به نقل از sAmane ;) :
IN this topic i want make discussion about lie &truth and I wanna khow your idea
Do you think it's possible to be truthful all the time? ^-^
would you prefer live in truthful world or in lie? ???​

In my eye

Telling truth is not always helpful

and I think we've talked about it in many topics



S.times we need some lie...

U can call it White Lie
پاسخ : Discuss about lie &truth

به نقل از Rainman :
In my eye

Telling truth is not always helpful

and I think we've talked about it in many topics



S.times we need some lie...

U can call it White Lie
?if all the people in world tell the truth life is intersting or life with somtimes lie
پاسخ : Discuss about lie &truth

به نقل از sAmane ;) :
?if all the people in world tell the truth life is intersting or life with somtimes lie
4sure it would be great if they do not lie...

But there's just an if...

پاسخ : Discuss about lie &truth

Helpful , weasel is sometimes so .
and do not forget some people can like other ones when they are fibing
some of the people do not want other people as they are ,
do not belivie other persons as everything they are
ad sometimes we do not like make others upset
so fibing can be good

and I My self hate the persons say everything clear and true but they make others unhappy
so truth is good and can be bad and lie is bad and can be good​