Cide Words

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Weeping Angel

کاربر خاک‌انجمن‌خورده
نام مرکز سمپاد
علامه حلی
:o :o these are the words that have the suffix "Cide" in the meaning of killing

Killing One's Relative

Killing oneself: suicide, selfcide
Killing one's father: patricide
Killing one's mother: matricide
Killing one's parent(s): parenticide
Killing one's brother: fratricide
Killing one's sister: sororicide
Killing one's husband: mariticide, viricide
Killing one's wife: uxoricide
Killing one's son or daughter: filicide, prolicide
Killing a close relative: parricide

i will put some more next time.
پاسخ : Cide Words

I think by "Relations" you meant relatives! x​
پاسخ : Cide Words

به نقل از sjazayeri :
I think by "Relations" you meant relatives! x​

you are right

به نقل از hatter :
is it hard to ask who was killed?!i think they invented these words to not to hear this question.​

wait, wait, a lot more is left

Killing Other People – Murder

Killing a man, or any person homicide
Killing a woman femicide, gynecide, gynaecide
Killing an infant infanticide
Killing a fetus aborticide, feticide, foeticide
Killing old men senicide
Killing a king regicide
Killing a lord or master hericide
Killing a philosopher philosophicide
Killing a prophet or poet vaticide
Killing a czar czaricide
Killing a bishop episcopicide
Killing an apprentice prenticecide
Killing a Brahmin Brahminicide, Brahmanicide
Killing a Spartacus member Sparticide
Killing a modernist modernicide
Killing a guest or host hospiticide
Killing a favorite nepoticide
Killing a friend ambicide
Killing an enemy hosticide
Killing a heretic hereticide, heretocide
Killing a tyrant tyrannicide
Killing of Christ Christicide

to be continued ...
پاسخ : Cide Words

the next group will be:

Killing Animals – Slaughter

Killing of bears ursicide
Killing of birds avicide, birdicide
Killing of boars apricide
Killing of bulls tauricide
Killing of cats felicide
Killing of chickens or turkeys gallinicide
Killing of cows vaccicide
Killing of deer cervicide
Killing of dogs canicide
Killing of elephants elephanticide
Killing of fish piscicide
Killing of fowls gallicide
Killing of fox vulpicide
Killing of goats hiricide
Killing of kangaroos macropocide
Killing of leeches hirudicide
Killing of mice muricide
Killing of moles talpicide
Killing of oxen bovicide
Killing of partridges perdricide
Killing of poultry poultrycide
Killing of rats raticide
Killing of reptiles herpecide, herpicide
Killing of rodents rodenticide
Killing of seals sealicide
Killing of serpents serpenticide
Killing of snails/molluscs molluscacide
Killing of sparrows sparrowcide
Killing of vermin verminicide
Killing of whales ceticide
Killing of wolves lupidide
پاسخ : Cide Words

Killing Insects

Killing of insects insecticide
Killing of adult insects adulticide, imagocide, imagicide
Killing of insect larvae larvicide
Killing of insect eggs ovicide
Killing of pests pesticide
Killing of ants formicide, formicicide
Killing of aphids aphidicide, aphicide
Killing of bedbugs cimicide
Killing of bees apicide
Killing of fleas pulicide, pulicicide
Killing of flies muscacide, muscicide
Killing of gnats or mosquitos culicicide, culicide
Killing of lice lousicide, pediculicide
Killing of mites acaricide, miticide
Killing of mosquitos anophelicide, mosquitocide
Killing of spiders or scorpions arachnidcide
Killing of ticks tickicide
Killing of wasps vespacide
پاسخ : Cide Words

Do they really use these words?
I've heard simple ones; like suicide or patricide. But the other ones...?​
پاسخ : Cide Words

به نقل از hatter :
how active their farhangestan is... ;D

a lot is left there is something around 200 words

به نقل از ROzhiN :
Do they really use these words?
I've heard simple ones; like suicide or patricide. But the other ones...?​
probably not ;D

next group:

Medicines And Drugs That Exterminate

Amebae amebacide, amebicide, amoebicide
Animal parasites epizocide
Anthrax anthracocide
Bacilli bacillicide
Bacteria bactericide, bacteriacide, bacteriocide
Blood corpuscles globulicide
Blood flukes schistosomacide, schistosomicide
Cancerous cells tumorcide
Cells cytocide
Diarrhea-causing parasites trichomonacide
Fever (reducing fever) febricide
Germs germicide
Gonorrhea gonococcide, gonoccocide
Intestinal worms helminthicide, vermicide
Leukocytes leukocide, leucocide
Malarial parasites gametocide, plasmodicide, schizonticide
Microbes microbicide
Nematode worms nematocide, nematicide, nemacide
Oxyuris worms oxyuricide
Parasites parasiticide
Parasitic bacteria treponemicide
Protozoans protozoacide
Roundworms ascaricide, filaricide, lumbricide
Scabies scabicide, scabieticide
Sleeping sickness infection trypanocide, trypanosomacide
Sperm spermicide, spermatocide, spermatozoicide
Spirilla bacteria spirillicide
Spirochetes bacteria spirocheticide, spirochaeticide
Spores fungicide, sporicide
Staph staphylocide, staphylococcide, staphylococcicide
Streptococci bacteria streptococcicide
Tapeworms taenicide, taeniacide, teniacide, tenicide
Toxins toxicide, toxinicide
Tuberculosis bacilli tuberculocide
Viruses viruscide, virucide

these words are a little more specialty and used by scientists and doctors
پاسخ : Cide Words

next group is short:

Killing Plantlife

Killing of algae algaecide, algicide
Killing of flowers floricide
Killing of plants herbicide, phytocide
Killing of weeds weedicide
پاسخ : Cide Words

we are getting near the end

Other Death, Annihilation, and Obliteration

Killing a god deicide
Killing of a giant gianticide
Killing of a monster monstricide
Killing putrid things putricide
Destruction of books tomecide
Destroying words logocide, verbicide
Destruction of a culture ethnocide
Destruction of ancient buildings/monuments petracide
Destruction of laws legicide
Destruction of liberty liberticide
Destruction of life biocide
Ruining a suitor's chances suitorcide
Ruining someone's reputation famicide
Killing the mind (brainwashing) menticide
Killing a faith fideicide
Killing facts (distorting the truth) facticide
Killing someone with a motor vehicle autocide
پاسخ : Cide Words

At last : the last group

Extreme Death, Killing, Destruction, and Extermination

Destruction of everything onmicide
Destruction of the entire world mundicide
Destruction of the natural world ecocide
Killing of all people populicide
Extermination of an entire racial, political, or cultural group genocide
پاسخ : Cide Words

[ltr]are you sure that these words exist?
I tried to find them in advanced dictionary but many of them were not in advanced dictionary(long man)!!!!
it made me confused![/ltr]
پاسخ : Cide Words

به نقل از پدرام.فــ :
[ltr]are you sure that these words exist?
I tried to find them in advanced dictionary but many of them were not in advanced dictionary(long man)!!!!
it made me confused![/ltr]

some of them are specialty words like bacteriocide which you can find it in biology dictionary and can't be found even in advanced dictionaries and some other are historical words that nowadays no one use it and you can find it in old book for example Shakespeare's works.
پاسخ : Cide Words

Due to the fact that people enjoyed this topic and I received lots of P.M.s that asked for similar groups of words in english i am going to start putting the 600 phobia words

Just Kidding​