پاسخ : Cide Words
به نقل از hatter :
how active their farhangestan is...

a lot is left there is something around 200 words
به نقل از ROzhiN :
Do they really use these words?
I've heard simple ones; like suicide or patricide. But the other ones...?
probably not
next group:
edicines And Drugs That Exterminate
Amebae amebacide, amebicide, amoebicide
Animal parasites epizocide
Anthrax anthracocide
Bacilli bacillicide
Bacteria bactericide, bacteriacide, bacteriocide
Blood corpuscles globulicide
Blood flukes schistosomacide, schistosomicide
Cancerous cells tumorcide
Cells cytocide
Diarrhea-causing parasites trichomonacide
Fever (reducing fever) febricide
Germs germicide
Gonorrhea gonococcide, gonoccocide
Intestinal worms helminthicide, vermicide
Leukocytes leukocide, leucocide
Malarial parasites gametocide, plasmodicide, schizonticide
Microbes microbicide
Nematode worms nematocide, nematicide, nemacide
Oxyuris worms oxyuricide
Parasites parasiticide
Parasitic bacteria treponemicide
Protozoans protozoacide
Roundworms ascaricide, filaricide, lumbricide
Scabies scabicide, scabieticide
Sleeping sickness infection trypanocide, trypanosomacide
Sperm spermicide, spermatocide, spermatozoicide
Spirilla bacteria spirillicide
Spirochetes bacteria spirocheticide, spirochaeticide
Spores fungicide, sporicide
Staph staphylocide, staphylococcide, staphylococcicide
Streptococci bacteria streptococcicide
Tapeworms taenicide, taeniacide, teniacide, tenicide
Toxins toxicide, toxinicide
Tuberculosis bacilli tuberculocide
Viruses viruscide, virucide
these words are a little more specialty and used by scientists and doctors