!Accent, This big problem

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فرزانگان ۱ تهران
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.Having a good, flawless (= without any problems, complete) accent has always been a problem for foreign English learners

?Here, We want to talk about different ways of having a flawless accent. What are your suggestions
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امتیازات: N.M
پاسخ : !Accent, This big problem

listening to speeches,if not watching them, is also a very helpful way.
and for american accent i suggest u listen to dr.wayne dyer's speeches. they're meaningful and spoken fluently
پاسخ : !Accent, This big problem

I am seeing that in many institutes they are working on vocab, or grammer maybe. but I think it's not right, cuz the most important thing that we need is a good speaking skill, so the first way that we could have a good speaking and accent, is we should change our teching methods.
پاسخ : !Accent, This big problem

My own experience about learning Eng with correct accent ;D :
1.watch movies & series
2.Repeat the dialogs
3.listen to audio-books
4.Speak Eng whenever u feel like it
5. have self-confidence and don't feel uncomfortable when you pronounce the words like a native
6.And after all,when u learned how to speak like a native,try to improve ur accent by correcting the other learners or sometimes ur teachers! ;D
پاسخ : !Accent, This big problem

my teacher said s.th so good
he said in america they speak different in each part he said don't worry there is somewhere
for you to speak and live
he said it's not just about your accent about your speaking too
in masachoset they speak in this way
it is me car=it is my car ;D
پاسخ : !Accent, This big problem

.Of course it's different. It's different in south and north of United States. In New York they don't talk the same way they do in Texas
پاسخ : !Accent, This big problem

any one here knows what are the details of austrailian acent ?!
I have jaust seen american people making fun of it .​
پاسخ : !Accent, This big problem

If you watch a few episodes of MasterChef Australlia, you will fully understand the reason of all the mimic. They way they speak is odd! With all those weird vowels they use​

Remember that Charlie dude in Lost? He was australian.
In my opinion it's just very dense british
پاسخ : !Accent, This big problem

So we're in the middle of summer and are having plenty of free time and I decided to search about accent and see if there are any good methods to learn American or British accent. I got great results and methods, for both British & American accent.

It's pretty easy to find an audio book and PDF (or better than that, ePub) of a certain book. I suggest The Hunger games because it's all over the web now. You can choose a British or American reader.

Then you have to listen to the reader while it reads the book and follow it on your PDF version. After that you have to try and read aloud from the book; try to imitate the reader. Doing this exercise over and over helps a lot!​
پاسخ : !Accent, This big problem

speaking from experience if u wanna have a good accent u should watch a movie u really like and undrestand the situations and the way they express their feelings like when they`re angry what`s their intonation while using body language...then u have to imagine the situation in ur mind and try to say the exact sentence in the exact way as the actor...after a while ur accent wil improve...the key here is paying attention carefully...​
پاسخ : !Accent, This big problem

So,Talking about British accent, they have the RP or queen's accent. It's kind of like the upper class accent, it's not much used but it's taught in high-class, expensive schools such as Eton. Have you ever seen Queen Elizabeth II giving a speech? it's the RP British ;D. RP Also, its BBC newsreaders' accent.​
پاسخ : !Accent, This big problem

I think that the easiest way to speak in the best way is just focusing on lyrics. especially Rap Genre.
Because Rappers Speak About people,and their ideas.
anyway , you HAVE to watch MOVIES or TV SERIES ! ;)
پاسخ : !Accent, This big problem

?Am I the only one interested in learning Queen's English :(
پاسخ : !Accent, This big problem

i listened to some learning English CDs ,which were for conversation and ithink they helped me so much.
پاسخ : !Accent, This big problem

به نقل از نسترنّگار :
?Am I the only one interested in learning Queen's English :(

No.I am too. I am so interested that I've begun listening to news though I totally hate news !​
پاسخ : !Accent, This big problem

Which news channel?​
پاسخ : !Accent, This big problem

به نقل از نسترنّگار :

Press Tv !

:)) just kiddin'

Euro News and BBC-East-World​
پاسخ : !Accent, This big problem

Euronews? Which accent do they use?‌ :-s

I used to listen to BBC World Service; It was so-so but I didn't like the accent very much, I'm not even sure if their newsreaders have standard accent! so, I searched and came up with BBC Newsbeat; A news program on air two times every day from BBC‌ Radio 1. Of course, it's not accessible from Iran ;D

You can find newsbeat here