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نام مرکز سمپاد
فرزانگان ۱ تهران
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پزشکی بهشتی
Following the other topic, Creativity and New Words, here we're going to write Acronyms. So, WHAT IS AN ACRONYM? Take OMG, AFK and BTW as Acronyms. Write one Acronym each time and explain what it really means.There are many, many acronyms in a wide range but their main usage is in chats.

"An acronym is an abbreviation formed from the initial components in a phrase or a word. Usually these components are individual letters (as in NATO or laser) or parts of words or names (as in Benelux)."

OK me first:

UCL: University College London
CMIIW: Corrcet Me If I'm Wrong
GFU: Good For You​
پاسخ : Acronyms

IDK: I don't know
R & R: 1.Rest and Relaxation
2 Rest and recreation
asap:as soon as possible
پاسخ : Acronyms

پاسخ : Acronyms

TC : take care
BBS : be back soon
BFN : bye for now
F2F : face to face
IMO : in my opinion
GA : go ahead​
پاسخ : Acronyms

?What's the use of this topic
.You can find out what an acronym or abbreviation stands for by doing a simple search​
پاسخ : Acronyms

:) For those who surf sampadia in their free time , reading this topic might be interesting​
پاسخ : Acronyms

WWW:World wide web
پاسخ : Acronyms

Yes it is possible to find out what an acronyms means by a simple search but there are two things; One, how can you search for an acronym when you didn't know it exists? I mean, someone has to use it here so that others can search for it since there are a lot of why not start from here and then try using them in other topics and two, we are going to learn them. I don't think it's a problem because it's the English Forum anyways and we want to learn and learning acronyms is part of English forum writing, The part which they don't teach in schools​
پاسخ : Acronyms

But there are also some useful links that exactly answer our needs. For example:

chat room slang
Or I think east or west this link is the best.​
پاسخ : Acronyms

پاسخ : Acronyms

brb : Be Right Back
ROFL : Rolling On The Floor Laughing
;D Rolling On The Floor Laughing So Hard That I Roll To the Road And Get Hit By a Truck And Still Live
پاسخ : Acronyms

به نقل از Death Angel :
;D Rolling On The Floor Laughing So Hard That I Roll To the Road And Get Hit By a Truck And Still Live
The complete one is easier :))
پاسخ : Acronyms

CIA : Central Intelligence Agency
SIS : Secret Intelligence Service
MI6 : Military Intelligence, Section 5
MI6 : Military Intelligence, Section 6
DI : Defence Intelligence

پاسخ : Acronyms

HRQoL: Health-related quality of life
پاسخ : Acronyms

FB : Facebook
IM : Instant Messaging
PM : Personal Message
IE : Interner Explorer
EN/FA : English / Farsi
CPU : Central Processing Unit
GPU : Graphic Processing Unit
VGA : Video Graphic Adapter

پاسخ : Acronyms

به نقل از اخوی! :

CIA : Central Intelligence Agency
SIS : Secret Intelligence Service
MI6 : Military Intelligence, Section 5
MI6 : Military Intelligence, Section 6
DI : Defence Intelligence

!!!! :) Sorry but these are not acronyms!!!!I mean we don`t use them when we chat
پاسخ : Acronyms

They are not necessarily used in chatting.
Acronym: A word formed from the first letters of the words that make up the name of something​
پاسخ : Acronyms

NFS: Need For Speed ;D