why is every one different?

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farzanegan esfarayen
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just tell ur idea like a panel ;D

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پاسخ : why every one is different?

It's the subject of my pannel
we are diffrent because we have got diffrent central and seconary traits
پاسخ : why every one is different?

به نقل از داروساز آینده :
It's the subject of my pannel
we are diffrent because we have got diffrent central and seconary traits
i love it its realy talkative :x :x
پاسخ : why every one is different?

people are different because their point of view is different about things
because their feelings are different toward different things
because their values in life are different
because culture in which they are brought up are different​
most importantly people are different because they are people! not machines!
they are different because ther are supposed to be different! :-??
پاسخ : why is every one different?

people are different cuz they have mind...
They are different cuz different minds has different ideas.
Ali told all of the things than can B the answer!
پاسخ : why is every one different?

The answer was said by death angel but some thing to add...the god create humans different because he wanna to test them that who has the best mind and who can exit from this word successfully
پاسخ : why is every one different?

به نقل از I d a :
The answer was said by death angel but some thing to add...the god create humans different because he wanna to test them that who has the best mind and who can exit from this word successfully
ok,how can u have good mind?
پاسخ : why is every one different?

are all the animals just like each other ?
sure they're not
every creature is different from the other one
well humans are different from each other , too
every one has his own feelings , beliefs , perspectives so they're different they behave different
and there are many things that can effect folk's perspectives as country their parents their friends and etc
پاسخ : why is every one different?

Because their experiences(?) are diffrent from each other ...
and another reason is about the diffrence in their creation as Fireball said .
I think it's all about the way you grow up.and as you know there are billions of ways to grow up! and that's why we are "all" different due to our different way of growth(even a slight difference makes you
an absolutely different person!​
آخرین ویرایش:
We are different because we've grown different, because we have different families and different friends.
We're different because we live in different places with different thoughts.
Everyone's upbringing is unique. So is everyone's family, where they live, their belief systems and values (which is largely passed on to them by their families) and the people they have been exposed to
There is also the randomness factor, which is what differentiates me and my brother even though we live and have lived pretty much the same life. I read and watched stuff that he didn't and doesn't, and he read and watched stuff that I didn't and don't, and now we have different beliefs, different outlooks to life, different dreams, different music tastes, different habits and so on