Vocabulary thrill


کاربر حرفه‌ای
نام مرکز سمپاد
farzanegan 1.teh
دانشکده علوم پزشکی شهید بهش
رشته دانشگاه
That's what we are gonna do here :
A general topic will be chosen and we'll suggest new words and expressions related to them.that will help us improve our vocabulary skills and have some fun !
For instance for the topic (e.g : law) there are many words and expressions such as forbid,the tenet law,appeals court, stand trial , forgery,etc.

The topic remains the same for your first participation but the next topic will be chosen by you.Don't forget to explain the meanings of the expressions you know

پاسخ : Vocabulary thrill

[ltr]so you mean we must do the same
as you did about law?[/ltr]
پاسخ : Vocabulary thrill

yup !
But not single words, try to make them some kind of packages of at least 5 words and post them​
پاسخ : Vocabulary thrill

attorny general ,defence lawyer,prosecutor,jury,attempted murder,first degree murder,second degree murder,,accused
I hope that`s what u meant​
پاسخ : Vocabulary thrill


(for people)
beautiful / good looking / attractive / pretty / handsome / gorgeous / stunning / cute / lovely

(for things or places)
beautiful / lovely / pretty / attractive / magnificent / picturesque / stunning / breathtaking / exquisite / elegant

if need i can tell the specific meaning of each word.
پاسخ : Vocabulary thrill

به نقل از پدرام فــ . :

(for people)
beautiful / good looking / attractive / pretty / handsome / gorgeous / stunning / cute / lovely

(for things or places)
beautiful / lovely / pretty / attractive / magnificent / picturesque / stunning / breathtaking / exquisite / elegant

if need i can tell the specific meaning of each word.

That's not what I meant.you are giving synonyms ! we wanna get familiar with new words about a topic so that we can properly talk about them.I meant something like nasrin's post ;)
پاسخ : Vocabulary thrill

Here are some frequent crimes and punishments :

Smuggling /Trafficking : which means bringing banned products ( e.g : drugs ) to a country
Black mail : threatening someone to reveal some secrets so that you get money
Pick pocketing
Embezzlement and Pilfering : stealing things from where you work
Treason : acting in an unloyal way to one's own country
Abduction : to take someone away illegally and get money in return

punishments :

Electronic tagging
Community service
Name and shame
Execution/Capital punishment

There are alot more ! suggest some and if you couldn't understand any of whatI said, I'd be glad to explain ;)
پاسخ : Vocabulary thrill

there`s also human trafficking
felony theft
obstruction of justice
پاسخ : Vocabulary thrill

good ! ;)

felony is in deed a legal term meaning serious . crimes are usually divided into two main groups : felony and petty ones !

let's switch into a more interesting topic such as human body and medical expressions or parties and talking about them <:-P
پاسخ : Vocabulary thrill

پاسخ : Vocabulary thrill

Thanks.It would be better if you added their meanings too . :)

A few expressions :

Act up : when a part of your body ( e.g : neck ) acts up it suddenly starts to be painful.

GP : your Gp is a general practitioner who deals with minor diseases

-ache : add this suffix to any organ in pain and you'll get the pain's name .e.g : backache,headache​