Kids too busy to be kids

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کاربر خاک‌انجمن‌خورده
نام مرکز سمپاد
فرزانگان ۱ تهران
رشته دانشگاه
پزشکی بهشتی
We all see them, standing by the traffic light with sad faces and hopeless eyes, wearing poor clothes and stubbornly trying to sell something to the passpers-by. Or, searching for something of value in garbage and trash cans. Why is that? Why are some children of so young age forced to work and back up their families? Is this the government's fault? What's the soultion? What can we do?​
پاسخ : Kids too busy to be kids

some of them are abandoned in very young ages don't have any supervisor or maybe good ones,
some of them r working for some richer people, looking for a place to sleep and to eat,
some of them have been in orphanages but have gotten older and orphanage let them out.
and i think the government should give equipment to these children, make more orphanages and give them facility, make shelters, make schools for them, etc.
we can help them by financial aids to shelters, participate in charities or run our own charity for them too.​
پاسخ : Kids too busy to be kids

well, about a year ago i saw a girl sitting on the sidewalk in front of a building wreckage it was about 9 o clock u know it was very dark and spooky and dangerous for a little girl. she wanted to sell something to us . i still remember her tearful eyes... i told her to go home but she said that she cant go untill she sells the things her owner has given her.i dont have idea how many kids are like her but i know we have got so many of them in iran. unfortunatly their owners take the money they earn from them but maybe by buying things from them we can help them to finish their work faster! thats really painful i dont think that even the welfare organizations be good enough for this kids. rich people should pay more money for them you know helping foundations should be more active. there should be more strict laws against people who buy and sell kids and force them to work for them or even for parents who force their kids to work :-<
پاسخ : Kids too busy to be kids

I totally disagree with your solution; It's temporary and solves nothing. That's what they want; to trigger your emotions and persuade you to buy from that little angel. In that case, it seems to work perfectly

If nobody paid anything, they would stop using children, agree?
پاسخ : Kids too busy to be kids

به نقل از نسترنّگار :
I totally disagree with your solution; It's temporary and solves nothing. That's what they want; to trigger your emotions and persuade you to buy from that little angel. In that case, it seems to work perfectly

If nobody paid anything, they would stop using children, agree?
yeah i agree with you, if nobody pays!
but u know that people pay money to them and we cant do anything to stop everyone from buying things from them
by this way the only one who hurts is that poor kid.
پاسخ : Kids too busy to be kids

It's the part where the government has to step in and stop them. I think it's a predictable reaction; one little girl, alone, at night and you see her. What else would you do? any other thing is considered cruel! Still, If I saw something like that, I wouldn't pay anything.​
پاسخ : Kids too busy to be kids

به نقل از نسترنّگار :
It's the part where the government has to step in and stop them. I think it's a predictable reaction; one little girl, alone, at night and you see her. What else would you do? any other thing is considered cruel! Still, If I saw something like that, I wouldn't pay anything.​

The government is busy dying ,please call later

As I said in another topic I would buy her something so that she could eat ( this is in deed to calm my self and get rid of that guilt and symphaty I feel )if alone I sometimes chat with them...trying to give them, a break ...or maybe it's simply a break for myself​
پاسخ : Kids too busy to be kids

[ltr]let's not worry about them alright? and i think the reason is clear... the reason for this thing is called "injustice". they all say God's cause is just... but let's stop believing in lies and face the truth. the world is full of unfairness. that's why.[/ltr]