?Will our kids be a different specie

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کاربر خاک‌انجمن‌خورده
نام مرکز سمپاد
فرزانگان ۱ تهران
رشته دانشگاه
پزشکی بهشتی

What I would like to discuss here is a theory; It's not proved but it's really astonishing if you think about it. I actually got the idea from a TED talk by Juan Enriquez

Life has changed a lot since 50 years ago, we're facing an information revolution; It's not like 40 or 50 years ago, everyday we absorb a HUGE amount of data, much more than our father and grandfathers did. We're also becoming more intelligent. Also, we've been evolving since a long time ago. So, what I want to say is that there is a possibility that our kids might develop to cope with the world we're living in now; it's possible that they upgrade and become a different specie which is developed for this new situation. Do you think it's possible? What should these new traits be
پاسخ : ?Will our kids be a different specie

Interesting ;)

Humanbeings might well transform to new creatures after a few generations! I strongly believe that our body's functional basis isn't enough for what we are expected to do today. All the stress and demand put on our lives seems to have changed us already...Their effect on our mental (short tempered ness-hastiness-lack of concentration) & physical ( more & more heart attacks-depressions -the like ) is clear enough .I guess the next generation will possess the ability to handle this stress and maybe larger brians...something like robots !​
پاسخ : ?Will our kids be a different specie

I think the first thing that will change is our brain; It'll get bigger to be able to process this amount of information we receive everyday.​
پاسخ : ?Will our kids be a different specie

Second will be their soul :-<...they have too feel nothing to be able to handle this pressure & life on a fast lane!!​
پاسخ : ?Will our kids be a different specie

I agree they may be more intelligent than us, I think their brains mustn't be bigger. they will have the same brains in size but maybe their brains will be more advanced
but there is an idea which they maybe lazier ! you see , we are lazier than our grandpas! so maybe this can cause them to be lazier and not all of them use their whole brains!
right now I can't say anymore about them! :-/