Immigration - Studying Abroad

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کاربر خاک‌انجمن‌خورده
نام مرکز سمپاد
فرزانگان ۱ تهران
رشته دانشگاه
پزشکی بهشتی
?Would you immigrate / study abroad if you had the chance to? Where would you choose and why

?What are the advantages and disadvantages of immigration and studying abroad

?In your opinion, which country is the best for living/studying
پاسخ : Immigration - Studying Abroad

i do so if i can
and about the country i dont know but i think studing abroad is good anyway but just in the case that U will come back after finnishing that​
پاسخ : Immigration - Studying Abroad

you know,i am studing english for geting i can study abroad ..this is my first goal..and i know i will reach it...well it may be hard at first especially for girls,being far away from our countruy sounds scary..but i will tolerate it because i beleive in this sentence:for great goals,sacrifices should be made.....​
پاسخ : Immigration - Studying Abroad

It would be great if you answered to ALL of the questions ;D so we could go one step further and discuss more important things

Most of us consider studying abroad as a likely future. But what about LIVING in another country?

پاسخ : Immigration - Studying Abroad

If I have the chance to do that ,I prefer to continue studying in a foreign country .
I think you should choose a country to go and study which its education system is more developed that our country`s .
For studying better and better , not for escaping from University entrance examination ! :-??

Countries like U.S.A , you know .
A very imporant advantage about it is that in most of the universities in other countries , it is easy to enter the college but
the most important thing is learning the lessons and passing them all . We have an opposite way in our country , as you know .

And if you go there , study there and want to remain there , you can study your favorite major which pairs with your talents
and you can be sure you`ll find the right job .

About disadvantages , I think the most important thing is losing touch with family , relatives and friends , and solitude
That probably affects our life and beliefs .
Lots of my relatives have immigrated to foreign countries for working or studying and most of them are bothered by these problems .​
پاسخ : Immigration - Studying Abroad

Students escape from Iran, they go, they don't come back and that's really bad; Loosing all of the elite students who could become Someone in the future, students who are necessary for the growth of the country ruins that country, Our country. And that's exactly what's happening

I myself would appreciate studying in another country but living for the rest of my life? No! Why? Because an immigrant will never blend with the native people. An immigrant will always be an immigrant no matter what he or she does and I don't like that feeling
پاسخ : Immigration - Studying Abroad

I would definitely immigrate and go study abroad if I had the chance to. and I will do my best to have that chance. I choose USA for studying as well as living. I want to study medicine and my aim is to study in Harvard medical school since it's the number 1. I would also make up a living there and continue the rest of my life living and working there for I will have better opportunities living there than in my own homeland
The advantages would be great medical facilities and great cases to study on. also a perfect teaching style and teachers.(considering my own aim!) However, generally speaking you would have more freedom choosing what you want and what to do .and you would have greater chance of success if choose your path correctly.
Becoming homesick can be considered as a disadvantage. and it would be hard getting adjusted to the new costumes and the new way of life. If you are not familiar to their language, the adjustment process would be more difficult and more time-consuming.
The best country to live or study depends on your goals and the reason you would want to go abroad. If the reason is studying then your major would be important and you should see which university is better regarding your major. the better the university is, the more suitable the country is for you. However, if you want to choose a country to live then it depends on your personality and how you would like to live.
I myself prefer USA to live and study in as it best suits my goals and personality.​
پاسخ : Immigration - Studying Abroad

I prefer to immigrate in france i really love there :x
پاسخ : Immigration - Studying Abroad

In some fields if u wanna reach high levels u have to immigrate to another country and study in their universities
for example most of the people who study majors like math,physics and chemistry prefer to study abroad in countries such as America to get their PHD or MA
I donno what would I do if I had the chance to least not now...maybe for PHD or MA
this is my country..I love it with all of its problems..I think it`s my duty to make it leaving it forever I would be guilty for not trying to fix it
advantages are obvious..u get better facilities,if u reach high levels they pay more attention to u and all things that others said
but disadvantage happens when students leave their country forever!
the best country to live or study changes with ur goals and major​
پاسخ : Immigration - Studying Abroad

به نقل از Dawn :
I prefer to immigrate in france i really love there :x

!Living and studying in a country is very different from visiting that country as a tourist

?Why do you prefer France
پاسخ : Immigration - Studying Abroad

به نقل از نسترنّگار :

!Living and studying in a country is very different from visiting that country as a tourist

?Why do you prefer France
i dont know but i love france ;D
hey thats a good question why do i like france? :-"
پاسخ : Immigration - Studying Abroad

I'm asking this because I had the opportunity to visit Paris , Nice and Montpellier - which is more of a college city than a tourist attraction. Everybody knows how gorgeous and marvelous France is and what beautiful beach cities it has, but comparing to United Kingdom? I think it can be a choice only if you can speak fluent french

!Does anyone here has any relatives living / studying abroad? I would be glad to hear their opinion about this subject
پاسخ : Immigration - Studying Abroad

به نقل از نسترنّگار :
I'm asking this because I had the opportunity to visit Paris , Nice and Montpellier - which is more of a college city than a tourist attraction. Everybody know how gorgeous and marvelous France is and what beautiful beach cities it has, but comparing to United Kingdom? I think it can be a choice only if you can speak fluent french

!Does anyone here has any relatives living / studying abroad? I would be glad to hear their opinion about this subject
so i study french
پاسخ : Immigration - Studying Abroad

?You want to study or you're studying
پاسخ : Immigration - Studying Abroad

به نقل از نسترنّگار :
?You want to study or you're studying
im studying but i wont go next term
پاسخ : Immigration - Studying Abroad

به نقل از نسترنّگار :
!Does anyone here has any relatives living / studying abroad? I would be glad to hear their opinion about this subject[/font][/color][/left]
I am right now in kuwait. . in fact because of my father's work as a teacher . we have been here for just 2 years!and I had to come back to my school at the end of each term in birjand . here it is easy for Iranian people to continue studying in India.. but you know India is not a very good choice. also some people pay to study in Germany like .
.many other Iranians here
some others prefer to study here in kuwait
but it's university is not very good. but here Germany is the most popular choice between Iraninans
پاسخ : Immigration - Studying Abroad

به نقل از نسترنّگار :
!Does anyone here has any relatives living / studying abroad? I would be glad to hear their opinion about this subject[/font][/color]
به نقل از نسترنّگار :
I have , as I said .​
به نقل از Dawn :
im studying but i wont go next term

It is very very important to speak fluent , as twins said .
In countries like France and Germany , people pay attention to their language and customs a lot ,
for example , if you are in a street and can speak English , you can see lots of people who know English but don`t
answer you , because of having prejudice .For example.

Find out everything about the country you want to go before loving it​
. ;D
پاسخ : Immigration - Studying Abroad

به نقل از شوکوهــ :

It is very very important to speak fluent , as twins said .
In countries like France and Germany , people pay attention to their language and customs a lot ,
for example , if you are in a street and can speak English , you can see lots of people who know English but don`t
answer you , because of having strong prejudice .For example.

Find out everything about the country you want to go before loving it​
. ;D

u know actually i say i love to go but i wont because my mother says i dont let u :(
پاسخ : Immigration - Studying Abroad

going to abroad for studing is good but for living i don't think so
the country that i choose should have many objects... you know... i'm going to live there for some years... so the best educational facilities isn't enough
and the other thing is that i can't imagine that one day i go to abroad alone, it's very difficult for me... so i prefer that first marry in iran and then going to abroad with my husband...this can improve many disadvantages of going to abroad
but now.. i really don't know which country i choose for study​