Sampad T.V : Inception

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Hi everyone!

Thanks for participating in the poll. The Chosen movie is INCEPTION. We are gonna discuss the movie here. You can talk about the positive and negative points of the movie, the main idea of the movie, actors and actresses, how the movie ends and...

Dom Cobb is a skilled thief, the absolute best in the dangerous art of extraction, stealing valuable secrets from deep within the subconscious during the dream state, when the mind is at its most vulnerable. Cobb's rare ability has made him a coveted player in this treacherous new world of corporate espionage, but it has also made him an international fugitive and cost him everything he has ever loved. Now Cobb is being offered a chance at redemption. One last job could give him his life back but only if he can accomplish the impossible-inception. Instead of the perfect heist, Cobb and his team of specialists have to pull off the reverse: their task is not to steal an idea but to plant one. If they succeed, it could be the perfect crime. But no amount of careful planning or expertise can prepare the team for the dangerous enemy that seems to predict their every move. An enemy that only Cobb could have seen coming.



If you've already watched the movie, come and express your ideas. If you haven't watched it yet, download and watch it. It's a fantastic movie!

Now that we've started, here are some useful reviews:

Los Angeles Times Kenneth Turan

Chicago Sun-Times Roger Ebert

The New Yorker

پاسخ : Sampad T.V : Inception

i really enjoyed watching inception..a great movie..with a high quality...well i think that the end of that was not know we didnt understand that were the events real or imaginary???it didnt show whether the tootem stopped working or not???​
پاسخ : Sampad T.V : Inception


Objection! The last scene was excellent! The thing is, understanding the whole thing the first time you watch the movie is next to impossible! You HAVE to watch is at least a second time to understand what's going on!

What should we do first? Discuss the complex plot - e.g. what really happened, how it ended and so on- or discuss technical stuff?

پاسخ : Sampad T.V : Inception

[ltr]Oh come on, the last scene was GREAT! I watched this movie about four or five times, but I still love to sit and watch the last scene once more...
The main question is, was it a dream or was it reality? You know, in my opinion :-" ... The writer and the director didn't mean to confuse us with this question... The point is, it really doesn't matter!! Cobb always wanted to see his children again. When he gets to his will he just doesn't care about the tootem anymore! He walks away from the tootem when his daughter turns his face to him...
This movie's message is beyond this simple question... If you know what I mean! ;D

به نقل از نسترنّگار :
What should we do first? Discuss the complex plot - e.g. what really happened, how it ended and so on- or discuss technical stuff?
I think we'd better discuss the storyline first. Because there are lots of interesting things in it to talk about...
پاسخ : Sampad T.V : Inception

because of your ideas i saw inception again...and believe me!!!!!!!!i understood much better than the first time...u i think that the last seen was not only bad but it was also great.....sorry i object my first idea
i think the acting was also the important feature of the film...​
پاسخ : Sampad T.V : Inception




پاسخ : Sampad T.V : Inception

به نقل از نسترنّگار :



well what do u mean?the events or the end ?​
پاسخ : Sampad T.V : Inception

.The last scene, when we see the totem. I think if the movie continued for one more minute, the totem would fall
پاسخ : Sampad T.V : Inception

به نقل از نسترنّگار :
.The last scene, when we see the totem. I think if the movie continued for one more minute, the totem would fall
well...what did make u think like that???i dont really know but we can yhink in 2 ways
first is that they won in a dream so he should do his promise and take cobb back to his childeren so it may be real
also we can think that if it was real so why should the last scene end like this?
u know?if everything was real,why should the movie end like this?​
پاسخ : Sampad T.V : Inception

I don't get what you're saying #-o But I meant that the totem was likely to fall, we didn't see it fall but it was likely
پاسخ : Sampad T.V : Inception

nastarannegar do u agree to talk about the movies we saw .....and then discuss with eachother?because its not attractive to talk about one movie only
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