! The School of My Dreams

  • شروع کننده موضوع شروع کننده موضوع ali.mashi
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کاربر فوق‌حرفه‌ای
نام مرکز سمپاد
هاشمــــ II
علوم پزشکی مشهد
رشته دانشگاه
! Hey guys
We all know that "school" is almost the most important period of our lives in which our personality is formed & in different levels of school , "high School" is where our behavior & environment is closest to the real society . The question is , how do you imagine the school of your dreams ?! what does it look like & how do the headmaster & principals run it ? Describe it !a

note that there is no limit of any kind to your imagination , so you can be as creative as you want to ! ;D a
پاسخ : ! The School of My Dreams

My dream high school , is a co-ed boarding school with great food & awesome beds with dorms that have rooms you don't have to share with others ! in that school you get to choose which classes you like to attend & which classes you don't ! It has laboratories for each science branch & you can also make fireworks in the chemistry lab ! most importantly it has great food in the buffet & you don't have to pay a great deal of money as tuition ! /m\ more details later ! ;D o
پاسخ : ! The School of My Dreams

First of all, my dream school has mandatory classes for writing and speaking; These two skills are absoulutely necessary for everyone!
Then, one day of the week is dedicated to learning English. And it's not like the stupid method that we have in Iran. It's spending a whole day IN English! Watching movies and reading books and listening to music, all English.
Then there's this day of the week I like most. We read one book and watch one movie. Then, at the end of the day, we sit by the fire and talk about the things we've read and watched. 8-^
More information later ;D
+ Fantastic Topic!
پاسخ : ! The School of My Dreams

the school of my dreams is some how like High School Musical! ;D
پاسخ : ! The School of My Dreams

The school of my drems is a school that has no exam, no teaching, no learning, and etc
but do you think it's a school???
Idon't think so!...It's such a place just for having more and more fun!!![rtl]
پاسخ : ! The School of My Dreams

in my dreamy school student learn things by discussing not just memorize lesson &add some lesson :-"
پاسخ : ! The School of My Dreams

Thomas Jefferson ...
پاسخ : ! The School of My Dreams

i have a 1 bed room and justin bieber is my roommate in my ideal school...and he is available any time !
پاسخ : ! The School of My Dreams

I think one of the most important factors in a proper educational system is a reliance between teachers and students.unfortunately,it has been missed in our schools.in USA students can do every thing during their exams,they can talk with eachother,use internet,etc.but they absolutely dont cheat.
secondly,we shouldn't be compelled to choose our courses and study all of them.we must decide for ourselves.then we can be more active in classes and more satisfied.again in USA :-"there is a blief that if you are not going to become an engineer or mathematicians,it isn't necessary for you to study lots of mathematics.you can choose sth else.
on the other hand,practical aspects must be enhanced!and origanize much more camps because it's so usefull to spend more time with your friends and classmates in order to do team works or have fun even at night.
ultimately,it's extremely vital that schools have HALGHE ;D ;;)
پاسخ : ! The School of My Dreams

Don't laugh at me ;D
My dream high school is somewhere like High School Musical
Just think , that's kinda cool , singing and dancing instead of studying !
Don't u like it?seriously ?
پاسخ : ! The School of My Dreams

I really agree with Parisand !
High School Musical was very cool !
sing and dance !
really amazing ;D
پاسخ : ! The School of My Dreams

my dreamy high school and my dreamy university is a high school that you can study there just your favorite field but unfortunately although i finished term 2 in chemistry i just passed 8 unit chemistry thus i am angry X-(
پاسخ : ! The School of My Dreams

i have a bed in Class And The Teacher learn his lessons and i SpeeP OR The Teacher in The Coputer and i see he and visit This Site:Sampadia.ir
پاسخ : ! The School of My Dreams

Somewhere like Hogwarts ;D I'm still a kid!l
and also girls 'n boys are not seprated there ;;)l
I'd like to go to The Hogwarts but if I could change our schools i would build a school that all kids from 7 year old to 18 study there so then we could be with our friends in all time of school and there wouldn't be any taeen markaz test or things like this.
I'd like a school with a pitch so we could play more without any bruises
Also I'd like our teachers to be our students at least a time per month
I`d like to build a school that students have more freedom for instance they shouldn`t wear special uniform and also they shouldn`t cut their hair and so on
Also we`ll have party one day per month