Questions & qUeStIonS & QuEsTioNs...

  • شروع کننده موضوع شروع کننده موضوع ali.mashi
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کاربر فوق‌حرفه‌ای
نام مرکز سمپاد
هاشمــــ II
علوم پزشکی مشهد
رشته دانشگاه
Questions sometimes fill our minds & depending on the questions themselves , we could come to a point that there stays no way to relax unless we find the answer to those questions . One of these questions is this : a

"What would you do if the world was about to end & you had only one day left to live ?a "

. Every once in a while we will choose a new question & talk about it's answer ! so let's start with the one i wrote above
پاسخ : Questions & qUeStIonS & QuEsTioNs...

nice topic ;D

the only thing i will do , is to call my family and tell them that i love them so much ...

and then , i'll spend left time in sampadia :))))​
پاسخ : Questions & qUeStIonS & QuEsTioNs...

: My personal home-made recipe for a fabulous last day

Steal a bad-ass car , a Porsche or Jaguar would do the trick ! Go pick up your girlfriend :-" Find yourselves some kind of a quiet & cozy place with a terrific view over the city , a cliff would be the best . Sit on the hood of the bad-ass car smoking some Cuban Cigar together & doin' some other stuff !! Afterwards ...Enjoy watching the world fall apart :)) a


به نقل از Ehem_Ehem :

and then , i'll spend left time in sampadia :))))​

I don't think this place is interesting enough for anyone , anyone at all to spend their last day in ! a
پاسخ : Questions & qUeStIonS & QuEsTioNs...

I will find an interesting way to commit suicide
and I'll try to write an impressive Will's letter
When you lose your chance to live You shouldnt waste your chance to die...:-"""d

p.n:I will die myself,nothing can kill me:))d​


به نقل از Ehem_Ehem :
i can >) ;))[nb]and i will ;D[/nb]

Its kind of you :))
پاسخ : Questions & qUeStIonS & QuEsTioNs...

به نقل از sRina :
p.n:I will die myself,nothing can kill me:))d [/left]
i can >) ;))[nb]and i will ;D[/nb]
پاسخ : Questions & qUeStIonS & QuEsTioNs...

it's an amazing topic but this question made me sad :-<

let's jump to the next

:-kill joy
:-none coo
;)) :-"
پاسخ : Questions & qUeStIonS & QuEsTioNs...

xqz me
who knows what does WTH or WTF means?
where can we use this expression?
wht: what the hell
wtf: what the f**k
پاسخ : Questions & qUeStIonS & QuEsTioNs...

به نقل از ❤Hello Kitty❤ :
xqz me
who knows what does WTH or WTF means?
where can we use this expression?
wht: what the hell
wtf: what the f**k
First off hi & welcome 2 the english reign of sampadia ;D , 2nd , this is not the propper topic for you to ask your question ! As u can see we have the "question & problem /sth like that" topic , which is intended to have ypur questions answered . However I'll answer you & I'm sure Jenna would transfer our posts there . T
Those two expressions are used in daily conversations when something odd or out of the ordinary happens or sth happens that pisses the other dude off ! They're considered somehow impolite , so be careful where u use em ;D . A