?What kind of books do you read

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Criminal books? I usually read novels but there are some nice books I can suggest u for example "The Book Thief " by Markus Zusak or "The Muse" by Jessie Burton:)
Isn't "the book thief" a super sad novel about the world wars? get the sad stories away from me! lol
Hi! I’m at about high intermediate level. I wanted to ask you if I’m ready to start Harry Potter books or not. I haven’t read any novels yet and it would be my first one. I’ll be so thankful if you share some information about the difficulty level of this book series with me8->.
Hi! I’m at about high intermediate level. I wanted to ask you if I’m ready to start Harry Potter books or not. I haven’t read any novels yet and it would be my first one. I’ll be so thankful if you share some information about the difficulty level of this book series with me8->.
The books get progressively more difficult but overall they are easier to read than most novels
Hi! I’m at about high intermediate level. I wanted to ask you if I’m ready to start Harry Potter books or not. I haven’t read any novels yet and it would be my first one. I’ll be so thankful if you share some information about the difficulty level of this book series with me8->.
I think you are so ready to read them cause I'm at intermediate level and I'm reading it now. It's a little hard for me but I can understand it. It's amazing! :)
I think I've read every harry potter book at least twice by now xD. It's just that for the most part, when it comes to books and movies, I prefer reality to fantasy
You have really nice classmates though lol
Yes they're really nice:)
I'm at the second book of the series:)
But I have read them in Persian:)
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امتیازات: THG
Ummm ...
All this years I couldn't emphasis the "kind"of books I read ...
But , I can say that I am not very good at philosophic topics ...and the reason is that I can't understand any thing from them .. LOL.. I may be able to handle it when I got elder ...
Anyway .. mostly I prefer reading sci-fi or somehow scary , mysterious books ,, for an example I can point to harry potter (super cliche I know-_-)as one of most simple examples...yup
Unfortunately am not into books..among books I've read up to know .. I really got satisfied with blindness by Jose Saramago
I typed a lot -_-
But I may come and update here..