- ارسالها
- 1,140
- امتیاز
- 28,062
- نام مرکز سمپاد
- فرزانگان
- شهر
- -
- سال فارغ التحصیلی
- 1402
- مدال المپیاد
- Used to Bio
- رشته دانشگاه
- CS
Till the end of 2024
- 3rd Semester
- Advanced
- Calculus
- Data Structure
- Computer Systems
- Linear Algebra
- Online Courses
- Codelita
- Functions✓
- Function Outputs
- Function Scopes
- Booleans
- Types
- Advanced Functions
- Math Object
- Floating-point Numbers
- Debugging
- Strings
- String Operations
- String Functions
- October←CS50P
- Functions, Variables✓
- Conditionals✓
- Loops✓
- Exceptions✓
- Libraries
- Unit Tests
- File I/O
- Regular Expressions
- Object-Oriented Programming
- November←CS50x
- Scratch
- C
- Arrays
- Algorithms
- Memory
- Data Structures
- Python
- Artificial Intelligence
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Flask
- Cybersecurity
- December←CS50web
- Git
- Python
- Django
- SQL, Models, and Migrations
- JavaScript
- User Interfaces
- Testing, CI/CD
- Scalability and Security
- OOPython
Python Basics✓- Python 3 Programming
- Web design for everybody
- Computational Neuroscience
- IT automations
- Algorithms pt1
- Codelita
- Work, work, work!
- Masterclass
- CS50xShiraz
- Hackathon
- Office Hours
- Work Exhibition
- Teaching
- Self-care!
- Run Bamdad, run! (100 km)
- Read at least 10 books
- Grokking Algorithms
- My grandmother asked me to tell you she's sorry
- Crime and Punishment
- Thinking fast and slow
- Samuel Beckett