The Best Tv Series

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پاسخ : Name your favorite TV series

90210 :-" ;D
پاسخ : Name your favorite TV series

prison break
پاسخ : Name your favorite TV series

به نقل از xxfairladyxx :
90210 is pure rubbish

I think friends was the best .I've watched whole 10 seasons at least 3 times so
when I watch that usuallly I know exactly what 's going to happen but it's still funny! if yo have not seen that
you've missed a lot believe me!
Grey's anatomy is not bad
how I met your mother :-? :-? :-? is better than nothing
and I like "castle"
I recently found a new one named "the protector". I have not seen so mush of it but I think It could be interesting
پاسخ : Name your favorite TV series

flashforward is the best i think
پاسخ : Name your favorite TV series

/m\ /m\ /m\ /m\ /m\ /m\ Family Guy is wonderful and hilarious
first 3 season is just an introduction so it is not that funny but from season 4 its awesome.
i love the character Stewie and we have 90% similarity. ;D
i have seen lost and prison break.
the last seasons of lost was awful. especially the ending


به نقل از نرگس :
who has seen Family Guy?!
It's the name of a great animation!I've seen 12 episodes!
It's so great!​
what the F***! this year they are showing the 10th season .
it has lots of references that if you dont know them it is not that funny e.g. in the episode stewieroids they show a video of Chris that is a reference to the movie " the silence of the lambs" or in 2 parts we have references to the movie " the shining" i think one of the best seasons of this series is season 4 and the episode PTV

× yep,I meant 12 episodes.It's a really funny animation.
پاسخ : Name your favorite TV series

به نقل از sk1v :
90210 is pure rubbish

I think friends was the best .I've watched whole 10 seasons at least 3 times so
when I watch that usuallly I know exactly what 's going to happen but it's still funny! if yo have not seen that
you've missed a lot believe me!
Grey's anatomy is not bad
how I met your mother :-? :-? :-? is better than nothing
and I like "castle"
I recently found a new one named "the protector". I have not seen so mush of it but I think It could be interesting
i like the serieses that u named ! i watched all of them ! ;D
omg ! just don't call it rubish ! it was good ! i like it ! it makes u wanna folow it ! ^-^ i like it ;D
it shows reality :-" how people cheat ... what can people do to get sth they really want ... ;D
پاسخ : Name your favorite TV series

به نقل از xxfairladyxx :
i like the serieses that u named ! i watched all of them ! ;D
omg ! just don't call it rubish ! it was good ! i like it ! it makes u wanna folow it ! ^-^ i like it ;D
it shows reality :-" how people cheat ... what can people do to get sth they really want ... ;D
my problem with 90210 is that there is nothing real in it! the only thing that matters is who dates whom
پاسخ : Name your favorite TV series

به نقل از sk1v :
my problem with 90210 is that there is nothing real in it! the only thing that matters is who dates whom
i think it is real ! the way they spread rumors the way they cheat and lie .... you have no idea ! i experience that ! my friend told lies and spread rumors about me ;D ;Dthe way they did !
پاسخ : Name your favorite TV series

I love prison break and h20 just add water,they are wonderful :)
پاسخ : Name your favorite TV series

One of the best TV seres Ive ever seen is Dr.quinn medicine women
...I dont know...maybe because of its great dramatic view​
پاسخ : Name your favorite TV series

به نقل از stewie_griffin :
what the F***! this year they are showing the 10th season .
it has lots of references that if you dont know them it is not that funny e.g. in the episode stewieroids they show a video of Chris that is a reference to the movie " the silence of the lambs" or in 2 parts we have references to the movie " the shining" i think one of the best seasons of this series is season 4 and the episode PTV

This comment is very old, I think I meant 12 episodes.I started watching The Simpsons after that. :)
Both Family Guy and The Simpsons are really funny. I like them.​
Hi Guysf ! >:D< , What are the best tv series in your idea ? Why you love them a lot ? Let's Talk about them in this topic :). s​
پاسخ : The Best Tv Series

My Lovely Tv series :
1.Supernatural /m\ s
2.Himym >:D< s
3.Friends :x s
4.Prison Break \:D/ s

پاسخ : The Best Tv Series

Arranged in priority :
1.Vampire diaries ...cause the characters' personlity is so cool ! and what Damon says is just funny ! ;)
2.Fringe : Cause it gives you an illusion of science !!
3.HIMYM : ....cause It's funny ! :)) :))

Why don't you guys add what characters you like most in each series to your answers?

In vampire Diaries I like Damon ! In fringe my Fav is Olivia Danemn.In HIMYM It's Barney
پاسخ : The Best Tv Series

به نقل از hana.migmig :
Arranged in priority :
1.Vampire diaries ...cause the characters' personlity is so cool ! and what Damon says is just funny ! ;)
2.Fringe : Cause it gives you an illusion of science !!
3.HIMYM : ....cause It's funny ! :)) :))

Why don't you guys add what characters you like most in each series to your answers?

In vampire Diaries I like Damon ! In fringe my Fav is Olivia Danemn.In HIMYM It's Barney
great idea >:D<

به نقل از جنا :
I think
The Vampire Diaries ----> Damon and Caroline
HIMYM ;D -----> Barney /m\
Big Bang Theory -----> Howard and Penny
Fringe -----> Olivia ;D
are the best ;D
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امتیازات: kanor
پاسخ : The Best Tv Series

به نقل از مَــتـــیــــن :
My Lovely Tv series :
1.Supernatural /m\ s --- Dean and Sam Winchester , Bobby
2.Himym >:D< --- Ted Mosby - Barney stinson s
3.Friends --- Rachel , ross , Chandler , joey Tribiani :x s
4.Prison Break \:D/ --- Micheal Scofield s
5.Mentalist --- Patrick Jane , Robin tunney
6.Lost --- Sawyer , Jack , John locke

پاسخ : The Best Tv Series

first: Grey's Anatomy --> because the characters are so real and they all have some good aspects as well as bad ones.and you an find nobody completely perfect or terrible. And this feature makes the series just like the real world.and also because the series shows medical cases and surgeries just as they really are and since my favorite major is medicine and cardiac surgery I enjoy it a lot while I learn a lot from it.--> favorite characters: Dr. Derek Sheperd and Dr.Bailey

Second: Prison Break--> I just like it without any good reasons for it. ;D --> favorite character: Michael Scofield​
پاسخ : The Best Tv Series

به نقل از جنا :
The Vampire Diaries ----> Damon and Caroline
HIMYM ;D -----> Barney /m\
Big Bang Theory -----> Howard and Penny
Fringe -----> Olivia ;D
are the best ;D
They are my favorites TV series too.
But In actors I prefer Dr. Walter Bishop than Olivia
and Sheldon than 'Howard and penny'
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