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پاسخ : Are you a superstitious person?

My number in class is 13 But I never pay attention to this matter...
Always think on this Great phrase: your future is made of what you think now....
پاسخ : Are you a superstitious person?

I love cats & they don't cause bad luck for me! >:D< >:D<
پاسخ : supertitions:D

Generally I think superstitions are useless and completely illogical & they make no sense at all!!!! Th only use we have for them is fun!!! we mention them and laugh at them ;D that's the only useful thing about superstitions.

About the one u mentioned, I think aside than the fact that it is impossibly dumb!!!! It's also unhealthy for the kid!
پاسخ : supertitions:D

به نقل از faen :
Ur true but some people strongly belive in superstitions
that I think the way they ponder is too absurd ;D!
May i say something?

Ali~ Dude! U don't need permission to post things ;D
پاسخ : supertitions:D

im not superstitious person, but there are so many superstitious people in our country. for example some people believe that if you pour water on the ground behind somebody, when he or she is going on a journey, it'll bring him or her safely
پاسخ : supertitions:D

I think some of the superstition -based stuff that people do have become rather symbolic ! they just pour the water to wish them luck ,not that they really believe in that.
پاسخ : supertitions:D

I have just heard if a bee enters a house a guest will come there
it is really Ridicule.
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امتیازات: faen
پاسخ : supertitions:D

turkish people say when there is a fitielye chai standing vertically in tea you must await a guest ! thus whenever such thing happens we get so excited that we actually invite some people to prove that it's true :D
پاسخ : supertitions:D

"Never stare at someone while you are eating rice , or you will slowly become ugly"​
huh , Funny ?​
پاسخ : supertitions:D

"If you walk under a ladder, you will have bad luck"

"If a black cat crosses your path you will have bad luck"

"To break a mirror will bring you seven years bad luck"

"To open an umbrella in the house is to bring bad luck"

"To find a horseshoe brings good luck"

"Step on a crack, break your mother's back"

"You can break a bad luck spell by turning seven times in a clockwise circle"

"Garlic protects from evil spirits and vampires"

"Our fate is written in the stars"

"At the end of a rainbow is a pot of gold"
Silly , Si llly , sil ly , sill y ,and also s illy ! :)) s​
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امتیازات: faen
پاسخ : supertitions:D

I think some of the superstitional reasons were given only cause things couldn't be explained !for example animals can sense earthquakes sooner than us people for some biological reasons ,but people used to believe that they possess some sort of super natural sixth sense !​
پاسخ : supertitions:D

"A bird in the house is a sign of a death"

What tha ..... ?! s
پاسخ : superstitions :D

walking under a ladder will bring bad luck :|

stupid people !

do they REALLY believe in these stupid stuff ?

( edited )
پاسخ : superstitions :D

If you lie down immediately after eating , you will become a cow
( =)) !by now most people should have started to moo…lo0ol)

پاسخ : supertitions:D

.ok now! we have named some of the superstitions that people , especially in our country, hold belief to

From now on let's find out the reasons that these things were made, & also what makes people believe in them. R some of them real? a
پاسخ : superstitions :D

The reason is clear !
Sometimes after doing some works, something happens that peaple think it's cuz of doing that work ;D .
For example , they see a black cat , & after that something bad happens , so they think every time that they C this cat, Something bad MUST happen .
Ok? ;D
پاسخ : superstitions :D

I don't know if you believe in optimism ,positive energy & all those stuff .,but I guess that's how superstition works....I mean that It's all due to either chance or inculation that our assumptions come the best thing to do is to get rid of negative ones and keep the positive ones...but if you are too stick to positive ones too,you should know how they work and there is nothing supernatural involved ! ;D
پاسخ : superstitions :D

I think Most of the Silly superstitions Relates to : s
1.Low cultural Literacy
2.Lack of Knowledge ~X( s
پاسخ : superstitions :D

The "touch wood " expression has another story behind in deed.In ancient times,people used to wear crosses made of wood and to expulse the Devil they touched the worn crucifixes as a sign of God & Jesus Christ...gradually people touched any wood around as a symbol for the crosses because wearing those became less popular....So ''touch wood' is too get rid of the evil and Devil by the help of God just the same as " اعوذ بالله "​
پاسخ : superstitions :D

here is another one :im not very superstitious but it usually comes true that when the numbers become Symmetry
it means that someone is remember you for example 12:21
sounds silly? :))
but it really became true for me
times and times