The worst Eng teacher you've ever had

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پاسخ : The worst Eng teacher you've ever had

به نقل از Dokhtare ariyaE :
mrs sadeghian!!
during the term he always told me that i am the best student he has ever had ! but, after that i failed that term because he had given me a very low score!!
at fist , i thought maybe that was because i wasnt a really good student but after a while i saw him! he told me i gave u a low score intentionally and he laughed at me!! i was shocked . U know i was only 10 years old! :(
I'm really sorry for these kind of teachers! :(
They don't understand anything! :-&​
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امتیازات: Pegi
پاسخ : The worst Eng teacher you've ever had

lets talk a bout good Tcherers.
i Cnk evry Tcher have some kind ok good Cngs &some bad!
surlly we 2nt have a Tcher with out any problem!
try to lock both eBliTs! ;)
my tavakoli was the best Tcher that i have Cn up 2 now! :)​
پاسخ : The worst Eng teacher you've ever had

به نقل از soroosh.farshchin :
lets talk a bout good Tcherers.
i Cnk evry Tcher have some kind ok good Cngs &some bad!
surlly we 2nt have a Tcher with out any problem!
try to lock both eBliTs! ;)
my tavakoli was the best Tcher that i have Cn up 2 now! :)​
the topic which u're talking about is here:,12775.0.html
But I've had some Eng teachers without any problems!
They were perfect!​
پاسخ : The worst Eng teacher you've ever had

oh sry
پاسخ : The worst Eng teacher you've ever had

We didn't have such as these teachers in the school but we had two in the institute:
پاسخ : The worst Eng teacher you've ever had

miss madani :-& :-&
پاسخ : The worst Eng teacher you've ever had

I think she was my second teacher in a terrible institute (unknown) and in her class I hated english i suffered from her accent! but exactly after that I had a great teacher at school she inspired me and helped . Now I love english and no one can remove it from my life also I love this teacher .cannot express how ! >:D<
پاسخ : The worst Eng teacher you've ever had

Mr. Zahedi , he was a zombie mind infected! S
پاسخ : The worst Eng teacher you've ever had

I don`t remember her name actually but she used to made us translate readings of the English book into persian and she had this weird kind of pronouncing words..I`m not talking about her accent​
پاسخ : The worst Eng teacher you've ever had

پاسخ : The worst Eng teacher you've ever had

Mr. Ramzi
پاسخ : The worst Eng teacher you've ever had

come on that's it?just saying the name is enough? ;D
no reason?

mine was mrs.ospid god she didn't teach anything...i don't know if you had the eng. book which sampad used to give us but she used to made us sing the stupid song in that was a total nightmare
:|p.s:she's now the principal of farz.2
پاسخ : The worst Eng teacher you've ever had

Come onnnn mahsa!!!!
But I think she was really good at Eng and teaching and she never forced anyone to sing the songs just tryin to make us improve at eng
even tough she isnt a PERFECT teacher but im sure shes not that bad! and I guess shes a good principal isnt she?!

+ theres no one worse than mrs.rostami :-&
پاسخ : The worst Eng teacher you've ever had

in ILI .
پاسخ : The worst Eng teacher you've ever had

this topic seems really useless:D
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