Your relationship with your Parents

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شهید هاشمی نژاد 1 مشهد
دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد
رشته دانشگاه
زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی
[ltr]Hey guys, ok, i made this topic to know about your personal relationship with your parents. u know, lately I've been having a lot of problems with 'em and it's so hard. so I'd be happy if u could tell me sth about ur own life or tell me what do u usually do in these kinda situations.ohhh it's so hard that i just wanna break sth or hit my head to a wall! it's awful. x [/ltr]
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

whenever they try to talk about those subjects i hate i try to not to pay attention to them and i persevere to remember a song's lyrics and sing it slowly in my brain so that i wont be able to hear them eventhough they talk as loud as amazon settlers!And i hate my old relantionships!
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

with dad : baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

Against my mam is so perfect
But against my dad is alike to my relation ship with mam... ;D ;D
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

my relathinships with my parents is not better than U.....
But i try to don't hanging around them so much......
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

you has been prooved that men don't like to say ((I LOVE YOU)) or they tried not to....
and i think for my dad is hard too, to tell me that he loves me.....
I'm burning up with this situation
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

Well, I have some problems with them too but my problems are not so serious you know i think its just becouse of our age!
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

به نقل از Backstreetboy :
you has been prooved that men don't like to say ((I LOVE YOU)) or they tried not to....
and i think for my dad is hard too, to tell me that he loves me.....
I'm burning up with this situation
Well, i don't want my dad to tell me "I LOVE U" cuz i ain't a child man, and i Know it's a lil' bit hard for him 2 do so, All i want is a little understanding from him u know? i want my parents to get me, i want them to feel what i feel at this age but hoplessly it ain't working... and it causes a lot of arguments which i hate.... x​

به نقل از Dokhtare ariyaE :
Well, I have some problems with them too but my problems are not so serious you know i think its just becouse of our age!
I know it's be cuz of our age, ur ryt, but don't u think if they tried a little harder, they could take themselves to a point where they can easily understand us? x​
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

yes, but i dont know why dont they even try 4 that!!
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

i think everyone has problems with his/her parents but u must have has many serious problems with them
i suggest that not speak with ur parents in a loud sound because they are ur parents and they love u so much
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

i don't have much problems with my parents
but i don't tell them about my problems
i guess that's my only problem!
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

به نقل از Backstreetboy :
you has been prooved that men don't like to say ((I LOVE YOU)) or they tried not to....
and i think for my dad is hard too, to tell me that he loves me.....
I'm burning up with this situation
they've never told me they love me!!and it's not a problem 4 me 'cause i know they do
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

i think thay know your problem and can feel what you feeling at this age
but thay can see sth that you can see until you grow and be a father and in that time you can understand your mom and ur dad
dont worry dear
i have this problem too but i suitability with it
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

به نقل از minaaaaa :
i think thay know your problem and can feel what you feeling at this age
but thay can see sth that you can see until you grow and be a father and in that time you can understand your mom and ur dad
dont worry dear
i have this problem too but i suitability with it
you're right
but i mean other problems!problems outside
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

with my mum:I dont like tell her my secrets
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

You should tell nobody about your secrets.That is what secrets are meant to be ! But too many secrets will stifle you !
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

Yes of course but i mean i dont like talking with my mother actually i dont like she knows what happens in my life.
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

I have many problems with my parents too and the serious problem is that they don't wanna even listen to me and always tell me that repeated speeches. u know I just decided not to have an argument with them and let them think I do as they wilt, when I get older then I'll talk to them ,sure take an slap is no matter then and I can tell them that I have my own life..
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

my relation ship with my parents especially my father is awesome and i like it ! B-) s
If you want to have a good relationship with them , first of all ,you should be or act like a reliable person. ;) s​
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

How do you define a good relationship ? what does it consist from ?

I believe that it's trust in the first place.then is honesty...what do you think ?​