Your relationship with your Parents

  • شروع کننده موضوع شروع کننده موضوع EhsanJ
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پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

Mostly they underestand me pretty well...I`m ok with them especially my mom
But sometimes they say things which makes me think they don`t know me that well​
به نقل از hana.migmig :
How do you define a good relationship ? what does it consist from ?

I believe that it's trust in the first place.then is honesty...what do you think ?​
I agree with u and I wanna add understanding​
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

Sometimes they don't understand me beu I like them
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

I have a friendly relationship with my family except my younger sister ;DI really can`t underestand her and I`m at the wiste end with her behaviour! ~X(
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

They R my best friends...
I can tell them every thing even my secrets. :x >:D<
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

we actually are just strangers living in the same house .
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امتیازات: 1tA
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

I really agree with Fireball
they just don't understand me .
they're thinking very different
actually we can't realize each other

Grammer Problem ?! :-s
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امتیازات: 1tA
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

Sometimes they are like strangers to me
most of the time they are my best friends​
:x :x
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

U know, my central problem with them is just that they don't wanna believe that I'm a grown up now and they think that I cant tackle anything by my own....
But anyway I'm happy that they really DO care about me
and in addition, I'm not uncomfortable with their cares... It makes me feel that im not alone :P
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

some times it's quite a disaster, like a blow up to the head!!!!
but it will be clean soon
پاسخ : Your relationsship with your Parents

My parents don't understand me they always want to persuade me when I do wrong and I have to respect them

× Erfan: Grammar corrected.