Do you believe in Soulmates? x

  • شروع کننده موضوع شروع کننده موضوع EhsanJ
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کاربر فوق‌حرفه‌ای
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شهید هاشمی نژاد 1 مشهد
دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد
رشته دانشگاه
زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی
Do you guys believe in soulmates? and the fact that there's only one perfect person for each person? Plz tell me your opinons about it. alryt? Thanx guyz.... x​
پاسخ : Do you believe in Soulmates? x

[ltr]I, myself kinda believe in that, u know? but i think it's really hard to find our soulmates ... and.... i probably shouldn't say this but i think i have found mine but i kinda lost her... it's really complicated but never mind. I just wanted to say that after these things, i began to believe in existence of soulmate. [/ltr]
پاسخ : Do you believe in Soulmates? x

i believe in that
and each person can find his/her soul mate
who is someone that you want lost your life for him/her
and for whom you haven't anything :no food/ no sleep/ no money/.....
at last i wanna say whom is all of you​
پاسخ : Do you believe in Soulmates? x

به نقل از minaaaaa :
i believe in that
and each person can find his/her soul mate
who is someone that you want lost your life for him/her
and for whom you haven't anything :no food/ no sleep/ no money/.....
at last i wanna say whom is all of you​
I like the way u talk!!! so, have u ever tried looking for ur soulmate? x​
پاسخ : Do you believe in Soulmates? x

a hard question :)
really no
i think no :)​
پاسخ : Do you believe in Soulmates? x

به نقل از minaaaaa :
a hard question :)
really no
i think no :)​
oh that's alright ... well i've heard that u r not supposed to look for ur soulmate u know? ppl who believe in this concept usually say that it is fate that brings two soulmates together.... and i think it's kinda right ... x​
پاسخ : Do you believe in Soulmates? x

به نقل از EhsanJ :
oh that's alright ... well i've heard that u r not supposed to look for ur soulmate u know? ppl who believe in this concept usually say that it is fate that brings two soulmates together.... and i think it's kinda right ... x​
i really believe in it
in fact until now i didn't thought about it :)​
پاسخ : Do you believe in Soulmates? x

به نقل از minaaaaa :
i really believe in it
in fact until now i didn't thought about it :)​
To tell u the truth, i didn't really believe it that before but in the last few months i thought about it alot and i really do believe in that... when i talk about these stuff at school my friends usually make fun of me u know? and when i talked about it to my mom (hoping she would understand) she said don't keep ur mind busy with this none sense! so i'm used to not talk about it very much cuz no one understand! and .... it's really cool that u beileve in that, i mean, it's great! it's good to have someone who believes in what u believe ....x​
پاسخ : Do you believe in Soulmates? x

به نقل از EhsanJ :
To tell u the truth, i didn't really believe it that before but in the last few months i thought about it alot and i really do believe in that... when i talk about these stuff at school my friends usually make fun of me u know? and when i talked about it to my mom (hoping she would understand) she said don't keep ur mind busy with this none sense! so i'm used to not talk about it very much cuz no one understand! and .... it's really cool that u beileve in that, i mean, it's great! it's good to have someone who believes in what u believe ....x​
oh dear
some of the people haven't mind about it and it is very indigenous
i think u shall speak about something like it with someone who is like you and have a mind like you
i can speak with you about something like it and anther thing that you can not say to your firned ;)
پاسخ : Do you believe in Soulmates? x

به نقل از minaaaaa :
oh dear
some of the people haven't mind about it and it is very indigenous
i think u shall speak about something like it with someone who is like you and have a mind like you
i can speak with you about something like it and anther thing that you can not say to your firned ;)
what's the other thing? x​
پاسخ : Do you believe in Soulmates? x

some things like it​
پاسخ : Do you believe in Soulmates? x

if you have problem yes​
پاسخ : Do you believe in Soulmates? x

به نقل از minaaaaa :
if you have problem yes​
Well, i don't have a particular problem to talk about here u know? and my biggest problem is that nobody understands me like i said before, but when u said "another thing" i thought u wanted to talk about another subject. x​
پاسخ : Do you believe in Soulmates? x

may i ask you to description your soul mate?
her behaviour
her brigade
پاسخ : Do you believe in Soulmates? x

به نقل از minaaaaa :
may i ask you to description your soul mate?
her behaviour
her brigade
Well. first of all i should tell u that i THOUGHT she was my soulmate and maybe she wasn't bCuz u know, she.... she left me. it's really hard to say this. yeah, she left me and that was the moment when i realized maybe she is not my soulmate. but u know we had a LOT in common and she was from another country, our lives was a lot like each other and the most important thing: I loved her and she loved me ... but we broke up because of a "rational thing" and that was the hardest thing i did in my life because i didn't a want to break up ... perhaps i've said too much, im sorry i dont wanna upset u , sorry ... x​
پاسخ : Do you believe in Soulmates? x

به نقل از EhsanJ :
Well. first of all i should tell u that i THOUGHT she was my soulmate and maybe she wasn't bCuz u know, she.... she left me. it's really hard to say this. yeah, she left me and that was the moment when i realized maybe she is not my soulmate. but u know we had a LOT in common and she was from another country, our lives was a lot like each other and the most important thing: I loved her and she loved me ... but we broke up because of a "rational thing" and that was the hardest thing i did in my life because i didn't a want to break up ... perhaps i've said too much, im sorry i dont wanna upset u , sorry ... x​
oh my God
im sorry
i can't say anything now
پاسخ : Do you believe in Soulmates? x

به نقل از minaaaaa :
oh my God
im sorry
i can't say anything now
Oh it's ok, i've cried enough about that! i'm so sorry if i upset u. x​
پاسخ : Do you believe in Soulmates? x

dont be sad
you can have a new life with new frined don't cry pls
i can help you
پاسخ : Do you believe in Soulmates? x

به نقل از minaaaaa :
dont be sad
you can have a new life with new frined don't cry pls
i can help you
Oh. i ain't crying now i meant before... yeah i know i should move on with my life but it's sooooo damn hard. it is sooo hard getting over her... anyway thanx for being so supportive. i appriciate it. x​