I dont think such a thing exists at all
there are lots of people who u can fall in love with
may be when u r in love with someone u'd say oh gosh this person is perfect im totally in love with her/him im gonna love her/him forever
after a while if u break up or sth still u may not have changed ur opinion
but this doesn't take much long , maybe u'd be depressed for a while but afterward ur life's gonna change to the way it was . and ur gonna forget all about that love stuff
and after a period ur gonna fall for someone else
and finally we'll find someone suitable to live with
although u've found someone who u go along with and. he /she seems to be the best person ever created to live with u but doesn't mean there aren't better people for u
the only important thing is LOVE .
oh gosh I said a lot
in ur lifetime ur gonna love many people and hate some of those who u used to love
but people who believe in this soulmate stuff think that there is only person u may truly love
but I dont think so :d
# it's really late in night so sry for any mistakes which may exist in what I've written:d