!Let's Talk

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پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

Do NOT miss Katy Perry's new music video! ;D It's awesome​
٣٠صدو خورده اي

Part of me?
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

Well im new to this website :)
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

wel come

<:-P >:D<

help your self! >)
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

به نقل از نسترنّگار :
Do NOT miss Katy Perry's new music video! ;D It's awesome​

Oh. katty perry....​

I donno why but someday she was my loved singer.​

but now i hate her. I know the reason is Adele :)) katty is Adele's Havoo :))
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

به نقل از BUG :
Oh. katty perry....​

I donno why but someday she was my loved singer.​

but now i hate her. I know the reason is Adele :)) katty is Adele's Havoo :))

Both of them are good ;D But Part Of Me's music video is awesome! the song itself wasn't something special but the music video rules! /m\
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

به نقل از Happiest chemist :
although each person apeal some bihavior some characters are allways advers
I guess appeal is correct....l
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

به نقل از yashar6676 :
Well im new to this website :)
Oh dear....Welcome to our forum,We hope that it be beneficial for U....l
- صفر -

Welcome to sampadia dear yashar, i wish u an enjoyable time here.
P.s skyboy, dude seriously! U can p.m Ppl's mistakes to 'em!
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

Thanks everyone :)
So what's up here?
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

and now..
what's the subject u r talking about?
saying welcome? ;D

choose a subject..
this topic is khak khoring! :-"
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

here?Nothing everything is oK...u know the last topic was about the loneliness & having relationship with other people,& which one do u choose?....l
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

none of them..
we can choose another one
as far as i remember...about 6 months ago we first choose a subject then discuss..
sth like what can we do about addiction to internet for example..

and i think nothing is OK!
cause i 'm not exited at
opening this topic! (:|
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

How do you score someone's post?
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

that's not bad
but threre's a topic about it
"چی چی رو لایک میکنی؟ "

پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

I meant OK Thanks :D
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