!Let's Talk

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پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

I myself daresay something strongly ,
"Your personal computers` mouses will suffer and will be broken "
So , Please use your creativity to make sentences , to tell about your personal feelings , we are more intersted in reading your personal texts ;)
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

wow my god!
i just can say wow my god
there are millions of words in advance 1 in ili
i realy do not know how to learn them
its like this (learn 1 forget 10 learn 10 forget 2 learn 2 firget 1...)
~X( ~X( ~X(
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

به نقل از علی کوچولو! :
wow my god!
i just can say wow my god
there are millions of words in advance 1 in ili
i realy do not know how to learn them
its like this (learn 1 forget 10 learn 10 forget 2 learn 2 firget 1...)
~X( ~X( ~X(
I bet 99% of them are useless

ili is the worst institute ever...
Although I had studied der for 6 years
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

and what should i do now?
kill my self ?yeah?
lots of unuseable words with lots of meanings lots phrases lots of readings .......
i guess that i can not be passed this term
My God
any advise?
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

به نقل از علی کوچولو! :
wow my god!
i just can say wow my god
there are millions of words in advance 1 in ili
i realy do not know how to learn them
its like this (learn 1 forget 10 learn 10 forget 2 learn 2 firget 1...)
~X( ~X( ~X(

it is.
but in AD2 and AD3 there will be much more
you know, the mini dictionary is useless. i myself never read it and my final exams grade were above 85
for words just read the student book. it's passage and charts of words that u are going to fill.
throw that mini dictionary away ;D
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

به نقل از علی کوچولو! :
and what should i do now?
kill my self ?yeah?
lots of unuseable words with lots of meanings lots phrases lots of readings .......
i guess that i can not be passed this term
My God
any advise?
a better idea change ur institute just like what i did
And i wish i did this long time ago
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

به نقل از fade to black :
I bet 99% of them are useless

ili is the worst institute ever...
Although I had studied der for 6 years
I completely agree.I wish I could give 100 Likes to this post​
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

hey friends
is there any good way which we can improve our vocbulary quickly ?
my speaking is very very good
the only problem that pushed me to go to ili was vacabulary ~X(
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

There's a close link between speaking & vocab :-"...however, there are several books you can use.I , myself , have used Vocabulary in use series, they're pretty useful.To improve your speaking, try to find a penpal...This is the best way I suppose​
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

you know i have to say that i always can speak easly without any problem i can speak to every one i do not have any vocab probelm in my speaks
but you your self when you read a book (english one!) and you see lots of words that you have to search them one by one in dictionarys what will be the result
you will think that you have vocab probelm
i belive that one of the most important and obvious probelms of ili is the teacher bace classes
there are many institus that teach english , teach grammer and ... in the student bace method
and i belive that they can get mor result
cant they?​
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

For the first part :
Well so read more .As u said u can find many words "u need" in this way
The best u can do is reading a book in persian first and just after dat read the original version
And btw once a teacher told me never use dictionary when u read english books
Just try to guess the meanin and pass
به نقل از علی کوچولو! :

i belive that one of the most important and obvious probelms of ili is the teacher bace classes
there are many institus that teach english , teach grammer and ... in the student bace method
and i belive that they can get mor result

cant they?[/left]

Exactly !Dats the biggest problem of ili !
But Kish i is great ! Teachers just start the conversion and after dat students run the class
And one of the other great things about Kish is : teachers are all young , most of them under 30 !
So u can easily communicate with dem .
yes all of them havent been in us for several years but dey r still great
and another thing is the ili book have published in iran but kish use total english and even all the exams and midterms they get are downloaded from total english site.
And another thing is kish use a new method of studing , all the teachers should have laptop when in class but in kanoon ders is not even a fix player
And another thins : in kish der are 8 to 14 students in classes but in ili der are atleas 20 to 30 student in each class
you cant even easiiy breathe in ili classes !And they are so worm most of times !
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

I used to be in an instituts which its english method was Student Bace classes
and i could get the result
but as i finished all the levels in that instituts (about 5 years)
i decided to have an experince with ili so that registerd for a placement
and they seid my ADVANCE 1 and i got the level R&R3 in TopNotch series
so as i priortized
i chosed ili
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

what could i do to improve my english by my self? i have no time to pay it for classroom..
how can i improve my speaking?
always i know the words but i cant use them..i hasitate that maybe there is a special phrase ror such situation..
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

Just feel free!
and realize whats in your head
try to speak to natvie speakers
there is no any special word or phraze which you can use in daily speaks
try to read passages
watch some exitening movies
speak to your self
use the words in your speaks
review them every morning
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

به نقل از M A S U M E :
what could i do to improve my english by my self? i have no time to pay it for classroom..
how can i improve my speaking?
always i know the words but i cant use them..i hasitate that maybe there is a special phrase ror such situation..
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

i mean for example i know all the words you and other my friends use
but i can not use them my self!
my reading is more better than speaking even readin load in class..
i ham some problem with sound..
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

i seid
you may see a word in a reading and understand it
but you can not use it
my advise to you is to try to make lots of kindes sentenses
so that it will be set in your mind
try to watch movies
speak to native speakers
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

speak to native speaker
how can i find them?
i believe it is the most power ful way..
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

you can find them in chatrooms
of cource, not in yahoo and someother stupid chatrooms
you can find some, in IRC expert channels
they r works are baced on technical things but you can strat a convercation by a qostation
or try to find a foreigner in famous places
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

is irc filtered?
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