!Let's Talk

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پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

Finally ! I see you guys have gotten familiar with here .well thank goodness !


Tomorrow will be the very first day I'll begin fasting...Hope that'll make a change .


I thought you were my fairytale....​
L. T

Sometimes I think of what I've done... & i just tell myself in an intensely humiliating manner "nice try " as if I knew from the beginning that it's all gonna be vein :| still I fall for it. The trap I make for myself :)) g
Life is based On the single stupidity that separates us from other species...hope. Which one day , like it or not , is gonna lead us to an even more stupid matter called "love". i
Not sure if I'm that stupid yet ;D but I really tend to keep my insanity on the first level, cuz the second one is "pure destruction" g
i.m.u already : ) x
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

she`s gone forever :((....and................. :-< I can`t believe
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

Diversity ...Adversity....poverty...pain
poor my friend whom I visited today..He's accepted in three olympiads and his father refuses to let him participate. :-<

Massari xxxx.saturday night


In an urgent need of 888... This guy here ,hannah, has been through love,envy,destitution,failure ,divorce....but addiction is just much harder., :-s :-s[/left]
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

Hey guys !
I really need you now
:( My piano class was awful and I couldnt play my lessons well
it was the first time which I 've been this much embarrased in front of my teacher
But the worst thing about it is that I'm going on a trip for four days and I cant practice for my next session too
I really don't know why I feel like this
I just can't stop crying :((
...I know its stupid but
By for now
Four days without net :(
Four days without you :(
Just wish me luck for my next session
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

In vain...is...every single thing you do

Bitter are your victory smiles and you just won't see....


I hate liers esp. when there is no reason to lie.
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

Lachrymose I am...
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

life is so boring :-<
I want to come less :|
:-nothing to say
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

you said we must go under the rain...
i went...
but they said to me:
crazy of rain!
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

:(( OoOoOh I'm really hungry and it's so hard to wait until azan
:-* ! but no problem...I will wait just for you


! I'm depressed but I really don't know why
:-< I want to be happy again
پاسخ : Let's Talk

The topic is what it used to be before.Talk and have fun ! ;)
پاسخ : Let's Talk

"It was "Let's Talk! x :-"

~ oh god ! fine ! :D
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

I love walkking in the rain
Cuz noone knows U R criing
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

I wonna read some books
but i dont know what
:-bad feeliing :(
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

به نقل از haniiii :
I wonna read some books
but i dont know what
:-bad feeliing :(
u mean novels?
if u prefer novel i suggest Zoya Pirzad's novels. if u rather scince fiction Isac Asimove's books are perfect.
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

به نقل از haniiii :
I wonna read some books
but i dont know what
:-bad feeliing :(

I recommend CeCelia Ahern's books Esp. The gift
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

The English part is my favorite part of the forum. It's kinda like home! Everyone's friendly, The atmosphere's also good and friendly. I really like it in here​
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