!Let's Talk

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پاسخ : !Let's Talk

به نقل از sadlove :
I've hated English recently :|

Becouse of my English teacher in school ! :|
english teachers at schools are..... :|
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

Nothing can help me ...
i dont want to keep on my cry any more ...
BUT I cant !
no one can help me but God ...
but it seems that he doesn't want ...
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

It amuses me how teenagers can be so depressed, when there's absolutely no goddamn thing you can be worried about! No worrying about money and yet, you see'em depressed as hell! What's wrong with you?‌ Be happy! Rejoice! And listen to uncle Barney when he says:

پاسخ : !Let's Talk

I'm this way Because of the teenager's dumb feelings and problems ... :-<

Actually i disagree with u ! Cuz u'r mixing three different things
there are people with problems, people who pretend that they have problems & people who don't have problems . ;D I think only people who have problems yet don't know how to deal with 'em have the right to be sad ! Others should just be patient & enjoy the moment . :D
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

today I have the final exam :(
I'm totally unprepared. I've studied nothing
Im going to fail... :( ;D
God help me :((

Which institute do u go to mohamadReza ? Which book & level R U studing ? H
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

Just me and no one else ..
he died ..
god ... Why me again ...
he was the only who that i got . Why ?? Why him ?? Not me ?...
پاسخ : Talk

به نقل از Black Death :
Which institute do u go to mohamadReza ? Which book & level R U studing ? H
excuse me dear Black Death. I just saw this a couple of minutes ago.
my institute is not famous in Iran. but it's well-known in Kashan. so maybe you don't recognize it.
I'm working on Passages 1 these days and I'm suppose to be Upper-Intermediate.
how about you honey?! >:D<

Well, i used to teach high school Eng books in private ! Now i'm too busy to even work ! Lol
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

com on now and smile my friend!
پاسخ : Let's Talk! x

if i could i liked 2 say thats easy but un4tunatly thats a bad problem also somehow i have this problem but not with this web my problem is with my phone! ^-^ :-s :-< :-ss
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

Happy Halloween BTW :-<
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

It's being so boring here recently maybe at least we can talk here...
Any subjects?
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

anyone interested in the american election ? ;D might be interesting u know ! ;D s
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

Thursday is the best day of a week! :) finally i can spend some time with my friends >:D< :)
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

Don’t go for looks , they can deceive

Don’t go for wealth , even that fades away

Go for sum1 who makes u , smile becoz only a smile makes

a dark day seem bright
پاسخ : !Let's Talk

I have lots of things in my head, just cant talk about them. :|
Every time i open my mouth, some one laughs at me :(
They just dont get it :( :(
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