Best movies ever seen

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let's talk about the best movies we've ever seen.
we better write the actor/actrees's, director's name ,a short summery & also the year of the film if nessesery in order to let every know what axactly we are talking about.

here's one of the best movies on my opinion
"Leon The Professional"
director:Luc Besson, acter/actress: Jean Reno, Natalie Poetman, made in 1994
Mathilda, a twelve-year old New York girl, is living an undesirable life among her half-family. after her whole family is killed, Only Mathilda, who was out shopping, survives by finding shelter in Léon's apartment in the moment of highest need. Soon, she finds out about the strange neighbour's unusual profession - killing - and desperately seeks his help in taking revenge for her little brother.​
پاسخ : best movies ever seen

I love movies witch I read their story before!like the davinci code!and I like movies witch timberton is their director!like sweeny todd or the night mare before crismas!
پاسخ : best movies ever seen

Fetemeh, witch means a female magician!
I'm interested in comedy movies, and also the movies which Adam Sandler has a role in it! they all are perfect. such as "The longest yard", "meet the parents" and etc !
but the best movie in my opinion is: "I robot" . its first character is Will Smith!
پاسخ : best movies ever seen

i agree with u that Wil Smith is a great actor. here's a movie i've seen recently & he's the actor.
" i am legend" is about a doctor(which is Will Smith) who's working to find a cure for a disease which makes people wild & makes them an animal. he's the only surviver in new york city & ....
i recommend people who look for sth exciting & frightening, to see it. and also iguess it was the first movie in the US box office when it was showing in America​
پاسخ : best movies ever seen

the reader is very beautiful and romance.
پاسخ : best movies ever seen

به نقل از فاطمه خانم :
the reader is very beautiful and romance.
who is the director? actors? actresses? what is it about?
پاسخ : best movies ever seen

kate winslet is actress in that movie.the director is Stephen Daldry.i don't know actors.they aren't popular.
kate winslet win the actress for this movie in Oscar.
پاسخ : best movies ever seen

The prestige.............the director is Christopher Nolan &actors are Christian Bale & Hugh Jackman & Micheal Kain.

پاسخ : best movies ever seen

but i like the illusionist better.
director: neil burger - starring edward norton & jessica biel
i think the illusionist is has more sense than prestige because in the illusionist things are meant to happen but in prestige things happen in a way that is nonesense i mean it doesnt have any reason!!!!

but you can have your ideas & i, mine!!!​
پاسخ : best movies ever seen

the best movie i saw is's really different.i recomend u to see's better than READER.
پاسخ : best movies ever seen

به نقل از MAAAN :
The prestige.............the director is Christopher Nolan &actors are Christian Bale & Hugh Jackman & Micheal Kain.

hey cool down!!! ok i'll go watch it again! :D
پاسخ : best movies ever seen

one of the best movies I've ever seen is "A Cat In The Hat"
I really loved it. You must see it!
It's the story of a sister and brother who are extremely different from each other,they always cause very bad event! that night there'e a very important party in their home and they have to let the house be clean!!! but suddenly a cat -magical cat- comes and encourages them ruinding the house to have fun!
the good thing about the movie is the good ending and the good sentence that the cat mention.
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

Pardis, I agree. "A Cat In The Hat" was really funny!
but I still say cartoons are much more better than any kind of films!
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

Ok, First I have to say I wrote this post about 4 times and each time I had dozens of problems posting it!
In my money,

-The Godfather (Trilogy)

Who can deny the inspiration of this masterpiece? I'm talking about all 3 films...
The godfather trilogy is an exclusive set of movies that will continue to live with humanity, every generation will see them to say, "Oh that was 10 out of 10."
If you watch them you will know that the world that lives inside the underworld is same as the one we live in except that people in underworld are so smart,
in fact smartness is the only thing that can keep them there. Don Vito Caroleone's early life shown in part-II is very well done to show the Don in making,
how a kid who couldn't even tell his name went on becoming a underworld don who keep most senators, judges and lawyers in his pocket.
Meeting of don with the so call five families are among most impressive scenes. I enjoyed watching these movies so much.


Each and every minute of this film keeps me stunned...Like a shock! Great Story! Great Writing! Great Acting! Great Directing! Great Score!
This movie has it all. I especially enjoyed the mood of the film. Even though it has a lot of action, there is a subtle elegance throughout the picture that gives it great style.
The movie flows effortlessly from scene to scene, while at the same time creating wonderful intensity and nail-biting excitement.
Gladiator is filled with many memorable moments that one would need to see more than once to fully appreciate.
The excitement felt for me when Rome is first shown in all its wonder and marvel is my favorite scene. And Hans Zimmer, Wow! He provides the absolute perfect score to capture the different moods in the movie.

-The Departed

I enjoyed the realistic, yet dark view of Director (Martin Scorsese) that we can always find in his own movies.
Even though Boston is not really a gritty town Scorsese was able to capture a darker side of the city.

-The Matrix

I truly admire the brilliant ideology that mixes with action, excitement and great castings as well. The Wachowski brothers really did excel themselves with this movie.
It's a brilliant movie on a number of different levels - the directing is excellent, the camera work is great, the visuals are stunning, the kung-fu is A+,
acting is executed with style and conviction, and the plot is truly inspired. It's really hard to use enough superlatives on this movie!

-No Country for old Men

I have said before that I really like Noir movies! Western movies are not usually my favorite but this movie was really great.
It's not easy to watch 'No Country for Old Men.' The first time I saw it, I found myself dazed enough to not be able to stand-up immediately even after the whole end credits have finished.
'No Country for Old Men' is rich in such bravura kind of film-making.
The particular camera move, position and choice of background and other trivial details such as time of day,
cloud cover or positioning of the props and point-of-view perspective offer the best experience for the audience,
and the most effective means of story-telling for the Coen brothers.


Its very rare that a movie like Atonement comes along and leaves me completely speechless and in complete and utter awe for hours after I have seen it.
You see Atonement isn't just the best movie I have seen all year, its one of the best movies I have seen in a very, very long time.
Atonement is an unusual movie, in fact its fair to say that I have never seen anything quite like it. It's truly a Beautiful and touching Love story...

-Pan's Labyrinth

Set during Franco's mopping up exercise after the Spanish Civil War, Guillermo Del Toro's Pan's Labyrinth is a wonderful, dark fairy tale that,
in a metaphor for Spain itself, teeters on the edge of nightmare dreamscapes of corruption, violence and the death of innocents.
This film is definitely not for young children. Although the fantasy sequences are gorgeously realised, and are fairy tales in the truest sense (in that they are dark, fey, dangerous and violent),
most of the story (about three quarters of it, in fact) exists outside of the dreamland, in the even more frightening (and sometimes shockingly violent) world of a real life struggle of
ideas and ideology.​
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از ندا مکرم :
Pardis, I agree. "A Cat In The Hat" was really funny!
but I still say cartoons are much more better than any kind of films!
you're right cause there are so many cartoons which can talk to u in a better way that any film does!!!
but believe me, "a cat in the hat" is not one of those!​
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

because it's just a kind of film,a funny film, nothing more!! in comparison to cartoons, it's boring!! ;D
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

I agree with Lorca.Gladitor is very beautiful.the last scene was very romance.I cried for the poor gladitor's family.
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از فاطمه خانم :
the reader is very beautiful and romance.
It was perfect . But the best movie I've ever seen is "Another Cinderella story" . It's a film that shows Cinderella in our century . I don't remember the name of actor but Selena Gomez is acting as Cinderella . It's really funny
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

I forgot Titanic.I love This movie very much.what's your idea?
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از فاطمه خانم :
I forgot Titanic.I love This movie very much.what's your idea?
i dont really like it! its all about about love & i dont like romance movies at all!!! |[/left (:|
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