Best movies ever seen

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پاسخ : Speak English

I watch some entertain-in-moment movies sometimes, but they don't move me! Movies like Pan's Lybernith, Atonement or Godfather kept me involved for days!
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از Lorca :
I watch some entertain-in-moment movies sometimes, but they don't move me! Movies like Pan's Lybernith, Atonement or Godfather kept me involved for days!

i must agree with u. although i like movies like "high school musical" & "camp rock" but i think they arent really worth seeing!
i just watch them for fun or just to improve my english skills.
but as u said movies like " leon the proffesional" or "god father" really make u think about whats going on around u!
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از Lorca :
I watch some entertain-in-moment movies sometimes, but they don't move me! Movies like Pan's Lybernith, Atonement or Godfather kept me involved for days!

That's exactly what I'm talking about
When I watched Atonement , I was bummed for a week :((
Now that you mentioned it , I don't feel good again :((
Since we already have a lot of problems , getting sadder does not look like a wise choice
How much do you really laugh at something during a regular day?
I always try to watch something which eases the pain
That's why I'm watching friends for 16th time
it wouldn't kill me to watch a movie like atonement once in a while but I'm not gonna dedicate my whole free time to movies like this
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

u know i've just seen a movie which really made me think.
V For Vendetta starring Natalie Portman & Hugo Weaving. director:James McTeigue.
*Remember, remember the 5th of November, the gun powder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gun powder treason should ever be forgot.

can u guys do me a favor & go & see the movie? (unless u havnt yet!) cause i really need to talk about it & i think this is the best place! :)​
پاسخ : Speak English

Bahare, I have that movie, I just couldn't find the time to watch it yet! That's one of my problems, I buy 14-15 movies each time and I face some problems watching them!
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از Lorca :
Bahare, I have that movie, I just couldn't find the time to watch it yet! That's one of my problems, I buy 14-15 movies each time and I face some problems watching them!

but i really recommend u see it. its really beautiful.i think its a film that can change a society in the right time.
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از Lorca :
Bahare, I have that movie, I just couldn't find the time to watch it yet! That's one of my problems, I buy 14-15 movies each time and I face some problems watching them!
dont worry!i'll see them in summer instead you!
i like veru much movies for example the hours.
what is its gener?
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

hey, i just remembered a perfect movie: "the butterfly effect" ! I think it was great!!
what do you think about those old films, like "desire" , "the sound of the music" , "my fair lady" or films like that?​
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از ندا مکرم :
hey, i just remembered a perfect movie: "the butterfly effect" ! I think it was great!!
what do you think about those old films, like "desire" , "the sound of the music" , "my fair lady" or films like that?​
Haven't heard of these but I've watched "The butterfly effect" several times
our National Television had totally ruined the movie, You have to see the original version
If you haven't yet
Believe me you are not gonna waste your time any longer on National TV when you realize what crappy contents they are providing
anyway , The second butterfly effect was meant to continue the idea of movie but it wasn't as successful as the first one
just like many other movies
there are tons of these movies which are really moving
Green Mile
Shawshank Redemption
Which dreams may come
Forrest Gump
Fight Club
A Beautiful Mind
The Jacket
Sixth Sense
Matrix Trilogy(It's a lot more than the fight scenes if you understand what it wants to say)
Truman Show
Cast away
and ...​
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

hasnt anyone seen the movie "V For Vendetta" ??? come on! its a really good movie! :)
i wanted to talk about V's character! its really worth seeing!
پاسخ : Speak English

Sylar, great list!
Movies like Shawshank Redumption and Sixth Sense are really stunning! But, about Matrix (RELOAD , REVELOUTION) I think they were not even as half as incredible as the first one!
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از بهاره حلی :
hasnt anyone seen the movie "V For Vendetta" ??? come on! its a really good movie! :)
i wanted to talk about V's character! its really worth seeing!

I saw it like 4 years ago, I barely remember what it was about
به نقل از Lorca :
Sylar, great list!
Movies like Shawshank Redumption and Sixth Sense are really stunning! But, about Matrix (RELOAD , REVELOUTION) I think they were not even as half as incredible as the first one!

It's because It was new in its genre with whole special effects thing going on back then
after that it was not "incredible as the first one"
but what it represented was still big

have you ever wondered if our living world was something like what Truman-Show explained?
I thought a lot and I couldn't deny it!​
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

here's a great movie
K-PAX. director: Iain Softley. based on a story from Gene Brewer. starring Kevin Spacey & Jeff Bridges
After being arrested in the Grand Station Central of New York City, a man calling himself Prot (Spacey), who claims to have travelled to Earth from his home planet of K-PAX, is taken to the Manhattan Psychiatric Centre because he is believed to be mentally ill. Mark Powell (Bridges), a psychologist, meets with the man, named Prot, and decides to treat him. Prot seems peaceful and is extremely knowledgeable, even baffling astrophysicists with his uncanny knowledge of astronomy. However, when Prot has a seemingly violent episode at Dr Powell's house, Dr Powell proceeds with regression therapy to find out more about Prot's past. The therapy leads Dr Powell to discover an emotionally painful history, linked to a man named Robert Porter. Time is running out, as Prot says he will be leaving in a few days, and Dr Powell tries to help get to the truth. Meanwhile, Prot meets the other patients of the Psychiatric Centre and takes it upon himself to help them, in his own way...​
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

hey everyone! why doesnt anybody write anything here? dont u like movies??
ok then here's a movie. i didnt really liked it but im sure most of u wiil. ;D
Just Married is a comedy-romance film directed by Shawn Levy and written by Sam Harper which opened on January 10, 2003. It stars Ashton Kutcher and Brittany Murphy.
In its opening week, the film was number one, making $17 million at the box office. It stayed in the Top 10 for 4 weeks!!! :o
Tom Leezak (Kutcher) and Sarah McNerney (Murphy) fall in love and plan to get married, despite opposition from Sarah's uptight, rich family. When they do get married, and get a chance to prove Sarah's family wrong, they go on a European honeymoon and run into disaster after disaster. They have to decide whether the honeymoon from hell and a few pre-marital mistakes are worth throwing away their love and marriage​
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از بهاره حلی :
hey everyone! why doesnt anybody write anything here? dont u like movies??
ok then here's a movie. i didnt really liked it but im sure most of u wiil. ;D
Just Married is a comedy-romance film directed by Shawn Levy and written by Sam Harper which opened on January 10, 2003. It stars Ashton Kutcher and Brittany Murphy.
In its opening week, the film was number one, making $17 million at the box office. It stayed in the Top 10 for 4 weeks!!! :o
Tom Leezak (Kutcher) and Sarah McNerney (Murphy) fall in love and plan to get married, despite opposition from Sarah's uptight, rich family. When they do get married, and get a chance to prove Sarah's family wrong, they go on a European honeymoon and run into disaster after disaster. They have to decide whether the honeymoon from hell and a few pre-marital mistakes are worth throwing away their love and marriage​
It's kind of a bad time now
however I never stop downloading movies
In past few days I've watched a lot of movies but I'm gonna talk about one of them
FiredUp -> Worth watching for boys
He's just not that into you -> Worth watching for girls and emotional boys
Push -> Worth watching for adventures kind of people
Ekhrajiha -> Worth watching if you have Theology exam!
Coraline -> satisfies everyone
I'm gonna talk about Coraline

Have you ever had a fight with your parents?
I'm sure you had , This is natural
but when Coraline is not in a good relation with her parents , she finds a door to a parallel world
Where her parents are what she wants and likes
after some time she realizes that they are not what they pretend to be
after a short time her dreams become her nightmares
It is said that It can ruin your dreams!
I really enjoyed watching it
and I think you gals will like it too

پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

I should see this movie.because I have this problem sometimes:D

Do you know site for download movies?
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

first of all reader ?! whats with you guys reader was a very wasted movie !
you know what i'm thinking about ?
god didn't you just love ellen page!
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

road to perdition
the lord of the rings
and gone with the wind
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

به نقل از فاطیما :
I should see this movie.because I have this problem sometimes:D

Do you know site for download movies?
پاسخ : Best movies ever seen

churchil & r.k, can u give some information about these movies? people should know if they like the story, or some other things about the movie in order to decide if they wanna see the movie or not! ;D
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