What we want to be; What we'll be

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[ltr]Have you ever thought of this question?
What we want to be; What we'll be...
Please try to concentrate; it's really important!

I don't wanna say that what is the diffrence between the goal and dream or hope or whatever; I don't wanna talk about stuff like that. What I wanna explore, is this:
All of us have dreams (or goals); we think of them... we kinda live with them! We have an image from our future, depending on our interests.

Should we think of our future?
Is thinking of future something good? Can it be harmful? How?
How much do you think is that image simillar to reality, to our future?
Is that just a dream that can be forgotten within a few years and our real future is something else -something fate brings-, or what?

In another word: Will we become what we think now?
پاسخ : What we want to be; What we'll be

i always though every thing that we think leads us to our goal or dream if we really want it.
but now i dont pay attention that i should try for my goal.i was really lazy and now im very regretful.
thinking and being in dreams didnt have any result for me.
these are not slogan these are expriences that i have.
but totally :we should be optimist and hard worker.
thats my idea.
پاسخ : What we want to be; What we'll be

Should we think of our future?

well.. i guess yeah we should, you can't always live just in present, you need to have a plan for what you want to do in your life,and try to find out what's the most logical and possible way to get to what u want...

Is thinking of future something good? Can it be harmful? How?

i think it is good but it can also be harmful if u just go deeply into your dreams and forget everything around u, or u forget the time. another thing is that your thoughts must make sense! for example for me, always thinking of becoming someone like a pilot is waste of time! ...

How much do you think is that image similar to reality, to our future?

it depends on the person... it depends on the image you make... what is that image based on? some stupid movies you've seen on tv and trying to be like them? or other people's experience, based on true and reliable information? having an image of yourself as a successful doctor or sth similar to that, can be similar 2 reality and our future

Is that just a dream that can be forgotten within a few years and our real future is something else -something fate brings-, or what?

yeah...well.... sometimes that's what happens... you keep thinking about sth for a long time, you want it so much, you think you'll do anything to have that, but after a while you start realizing that is not actually what u wanna do and u should do.. you'll probably forget it and it will become more like a wish, a wish that u used to have before...i don't really believe in "fate" , i think what you do, and what you get and achieve in your life is mostly because of u, yourslef. u make things happen...

In another word: Will we become what we think now?

if my thoughts are based on reliable information, if i have considered everything like my situation, the country i live in , my culture, the way other people may think and judge, the abilities that i have ( this is really important!) , and of course if i try hard,yes, i can become what i think right now and what i want ...
پاسخ : What we want to be; What we'll be

So what? ur gonna do all of those to be what u want, alright then what? ur wrong my friend there aint no purpose there aint no future there aint no damn aim. live ur life in the present and get on with it cuz there aint no success. life is all about living in the present until u have the release of death.and THE END. dont bother ur self there aint nothing out there, it's all damned. . . x
پاسخ : What we want to be; What we'll be

In another word: Will we become what we think now?

if my thoughts are based on reliable information, if i have considered everything like my situation, the country i live in , my culture, the way other people may think and judge, the abilities that i have ( this is really important!) , and of course if i try hard,yes, i can become what i think right now and what i want ...

come on i really hate the people who said that you have to have big dreams and goals to be success in the future
i think if someone do it maybe he or she will drowned in his dream and it may damaged him or her so hard and sometime it may broke all of his deams
you know why? because if you do anything wrong you just try to hide your fault behind your dream and you may be more broken.

i didn't got what is this topic about i just want to say you shouldn't think to your goal all time and just have to think of now to enjoy it because everything that you do is something to make yourself more happy
پاسخ : What we want to be; What we'll be

به نقل از GODLIKE :
come on i really hate the people who said that you have to have big dreams and goals to be success in the future
i think if someone do it maybe he or she will drowned in his dream and it may damaged him or her so hard and sometime it may broke all of his deams
you know why? because if you do anything wrong you just try to hide your fault behind your dream and you may be more broken.

well, that's somehow what i said!

به نقل از peg0a2h1 :

Is thinking of future something good? Can it be harmful? How?

i think it is good but it can also be harmful if u just go deeply into your dreams and forget everything around u, or u forget the time. another thing is that your thoughts must make sense! for example for me, always thinking of becoming someone like a pilot is waste of time! ...

why do you think, thinking about future and caring about it brings no joy to our present or prevents us from being happy and enjoy our life?
why can't we do it both?
پاسخ : What we want to be; What we'll be

به نقل از مهران محمودی :
Should we think of our future?
for sure,yes.

به نقل از مهران محمودی :
Is thinking of future something good? Can it be harmful? How?
yeah,It's good to think about future,but we should think about the real things..I mean we shouldn't have impossible imaginations about our future,or think about it in a way which may damage our present.
'Cuz sometimes we think about future deeply,& we try hard to reach to our plans & imaginations ,but we don't enjoy the present 'cus we always think that future may be better.
In that case,thinking about it might be harmful.
به نقل از مهران محمودی :
How much do you think is that image simillar to reality, to our future?
I think everything depends on that person.
به نقل از مهران محمودی :
Is that just a dream that can be forgotten within a few years and our real future is something else -something fate brings-, or what?
again it depends on the person,& the thoughts..
به نقل از مهران محمودی :
In another word: Will we become what we think now?
If we really try & think about both present & future,yes.
پاسخ : What we want to be; What we'll be

به نقل از Negin.KH3 :
i always though every thing that we think lead us to our goal ao dream if we really wanat it.
but now i didnt pay attention that i should try and for my goal.i was really lazy and now im very regretful.
thinking and being in dreams didnt have any result for me.
these are not slogan these are expriences that i have.
but totaly:we should be optimist and hard worker.
thats my idea.
It's a great idea! ;D I just agree you; thinking itself, won't lead us to anywhere but nowhere!
The thing that is more important, is the belief force that comes after thinking; if we find a way to develop it, we may become something! ;D

به نقل از peg0a2h1 :
Should we think of our future?

well.. i guess yeah we should, you can't always live just in present, you need to have a plan for what you want to do in your life,and try to find out what's the most logical and possible way to get to what u want...

Is thinking of future something good? Can it be harmful? How?

i think it is good but it can also be harmful if u just go deeply into your dreams and forget everything around u, or u forget the time. another thing is that your thoughts must make sense! for example for me, always thinking of becoming someone like a pilot is waste of time! ...

How much do you think is that image similar to reality, to our future?

it depends on the person... it depends on the image you make... what is that image based on? some stupid movies you've seen on tv and trying to be like them? or other people's experience, based on true and reliable information? having an image of yourself as a successful doctor or sth similar to that, can be similar 2 reality and our future

Is that just a dream that can be forgotten within a few years and our real future is something else -something fate brings-, or what?

yeah...well.... sometimes that's what happens... you keep thinking about sth for a long time, you want it so much, you think you'll do anything to have that, but after a while you start realizing that is not actually what u wanna do and u should do.. you'll probably forget it and it will become more like a wish, a wish that u used to have before...i don't really believe in "fate" , i think what you do, and what you get and achieve in your life is mostly because of u, yourslef. u make things happen...

In another word: Will we become what we think now?

if my thoughts are based on reliable information, if i have considered everything like my situation, the country i live in , my culture, the way other people may think and judge, the abilities that i have( this is really important!) , and of course if i try hard,yes, i can become what i think right now and what i want ...
Excellent peg0a2h1! =D>
I agree you, too.
You mentioned very important tips, don't go deeply into your dreams, don't forget time, pay attention to your abilities and then build that image, and finally, believe it!

به نقل از EhsanJ :
So what? ur gonna do all of those to be what u want, alright then what? ur wrong my friend there aint no purpose there aint no future there aint no damn aim. live ur life in the present and get on with it cuz there aint no success. life is all about living in the present until u have the release of death.and THE END. dont bother ur self there aint nothing out there, it's all damned. . . x
I always liked this kind of viewpoints! Well, It's your opinion and -as you know- your point of view is really different from others!
I know what are you talking about, I've been like this before. The only thing that I can tell you is that try to come out of this situation; if you keep this feeling, things will happen to you that may be hard to fix... :)

به نقل از نرگس :
for sure,yes.
yeah,It's good to think about future,but we should think about the real things..I mean we shouldn't have impossible imaginations about our future,or think about it in a way which may damage our present.
'Cuz sometimes we think about future deeply,& we try hard to reach to our plans & imaginations ,but we don't enjoy the present 'cus we always think that future may be better.
In that case,thinking about it might be harmful.I think everything depends on that person.again it depends on the person,& the thoughts..If we really try & think about both present & future,yes.
Your comments were perfect, too! ;D

What we found out so far, is that thinking itself isn't any help! Although we already knew that!
Anyway; Here, another question raises:
everyone know this fact that thinking itself isn't any help; so what's the reason that just a few percent of people become successful in their lives?
The rest of the people don't wanna make it? They don't wanna enjoy their lives? They don't wanna be really reach? or maybe... what?!
What's wrong with them?
or maybe those who make it have a very special properties by the time they've born? :))

By the way, use this code to type left-to-right:
[ltr]You text goes here! ;D[/ltr]

not this one:
[left]You text goes here! ;D[/left]
پاسخ : What we want to be; What we'll be

به نقل از مهران محمودی :
Anyway; Here, another question raises:
everyone know this fact that thinking itself isn't any help; so what's the reason that just a few percent of people become successful in their lives?
These few people have thought & also planned for their future,& the situation has been OK for them to be successful.
They have tried to reach to their desires & they also enjoyed their present & every moment of their life,but their main aim had been their future & desires.
به نقل از مهران محمودی :
The rest of the people don't wanna make it?
All the people want to be successful,but sometimes the situation is not OK,or they make some mistakes during the way of being successful.​
پاسخ : What we want to be; What we'll be

I GUESS your right
our beliefs are very important in our life
there is a joke that says you should be careful about your wishesl
پاسخ : What we want to be; What we'll be

Thinking about the future is absolutely necessary! Why? Because our dreams are what we live for! We live to accomplish our goals and reach what we've always wanted and dreamed of. I myself think a lot about it
پاسخ : What we want to be; What we'll be

Thinking about future is instinctive ..People always think about their future even if they don`t admit it
and I think it`s useful cause it makes us underestand what we want from our life. It gives us motivation,strength,hope​
پاسخ : What we want to be; What we'll be

All I want to be is being a person whose never break any hearts. :x
پاسخ : What we want to be; What we'll be

I always dream about future and who I will be and the only answer I get from my heart is that try to be some one whose seeking for wiping tears .
پاسخ : What we want to be; What we'll be

I've asked this question many many times from myself ; And the answer's really disappointing . cuz I'm not even a little close to who I wanted to be . I'm a totally different person ; and it sucks! :|
I guess most of us ; are not the person we wanted to be . what ya think?
+ Up!
پاسخ : What we want to be; What we'll be

life has many ways for us and the problem is that we often chose the easier way while we want to be the one who goes on the hard way. btw the hard one is often the best (at least thats what we think) 8-|
پاسخ : What we want to be; What we'll be

Im so far from my goals and I think all of us have so many goals . but I know that I can reach many of them , if I try to do my best .

پاسخ : What we want to be; What we'll be

I think the more a person tries,the more he or she will be satisfied and happy from the inside.It's not a fact that what is harder makes you more successful!The fact is the happiness you feel 'cuz of the hard things you could do.​
پاسخ : what are you going to be

When I was a child, I use to be a beautifier :-" .​
but now, The first thing that strikes my mind is being a doctor. But when I think more and more, I gain better results for my feature.​
Well, I want be a beneficent that she helps dervishes. 8-^
some one that people know her for her goodness! Some one that she is alive to help people Especially those who are living in Somalia
I’ll establish a famous Orphanage that orphans are living there in welfare and...(those are secret (:))
(how hard it was :-“)​