What we want to be; What we'll be

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پاسخ : what are you going to be

Just BIOTECHNOLOGIST.....it doesn't need any reason... ;D

BUT the most powerful proof is INTREST :)
پاسخ : what are you going to be

i was going to be a pilot. not airplane pilot of jets in army but i change my mind and i decided to be ........ the troth is i did not decide about it :))
پاسخ : what are you going to be

when I was a child I wanted to be a teacher because my mom liked that job when she was a student :-"
but now I decide to be a nutritionist ;;)
because I really love this profession ;;)
پاسخ : what are you going to be

when i was a child iwanted to be doctor.police.poilet.enginier.!!
now i want to be doctor.or every good job that i accept in university.
پاسخ : what are you going to be

I'm goin' 2 be a millioner! No matter how! Just a millioner! Even billioner or more than that
Maybe I become a singer :))
Or a pianist