Person before you?

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پاسخ : Person before you? x

He likes trolls
پاسخ : Person before you? x

She loves her sister... (:
پاسخ : Person before you? x

I guess she is an easy going manager!+she is a nice guy! \:D/
پاسخ : Person before you? x


Ok . almost everyone in this forum asked me change to the rule . So :
New rule : Every person can only post once every 5 posts . And posts like " She's a good girl " or " He seems nice " will be deleted without any warnings .

پاسخ : Person before you? x

I thought she has konkur(?) ;D this year and i wondered why she is almost online and she doesnt study but now i understood she is a student.
پاسخ : Person before you? x

I know her from sampadis family [khanevade sampadia :-" ] I remember she has a husband , they were so funny :-"
I think she is calm , and she never change her avatar : D
  • لایک
امتیازات: Dawn
پاسخ : Person before you? x

I don't know her so much but her name reminds me of the soups my mom cooked when I was child! :-"
پاسخ : Person before you? x

she loves chemistry & animals ;D
  • لایک
امتیازات: Zr74
پاسخ : Person before you? x

she should be a happy girl. she loves colors and she is kind, funny and active. and a good manager in sampadia. :)​
پاسخ : (بدون موضوع)

I think he sees himself as a cool kid!and i never got that what's with the name!do we have white death or red with white stripes death?do we?*just kiddin'*and guess his friends are the most important part of his life
پاسخ : Person before you? x

i always confuse her with SaranaZ because they both have Z.i think she is a professional novel reader cause she had read demonata :x
پاسخ : Person before you? x

kinda likes to be unknown
i mean 4 example writing "b" for city ! what else could it mean?
پاسخ : Person before you? x

life is a huge maze for him and hes just twirling around himself 8-|
btw there r better feelings than pain to try 8-|

1- Im not interested in music, thats my life :-"
2- the "s" stands for "ha" (in persian)
3- im not interested in body building, realy! just the tatoo is important for me
پاسخ : Person before you? x

he is interested in music,I think
and I dont know why he has written majids insted of majid
and always when I want to send a post here he is before than me so I sometimes dont post because I dont know him.
پاسخ : Person before you? x

Oh soorry how fast you Are? I thougt the last post was Majids
!Ok,I still think you look like the girl in your avatar! +you are a quiet & nice girl!
  • لایک
امتیازات: Dawn
پاسخ : Person before you? x

My father
He is a good friend. He is active, funny and... hmmm... He is looks like a fuuny donkey !! :))
I think he is a great one and he can help me, always. (:-kh kh kh ) I like him !​
پاسخ : Person before you? x

Her behavior has changed :-" like these pictures that telling "before" "after"
She is cute and I like her
+I have a problem with her bang : ))