Person before you?

  • شروع کننده موضوع شروع کننده موضوع Your feline
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Obviously she IS a cat lover.
Or maybe she's just taking some considerations about her profile picture.
And being a good kid
And drinking milk before sleep
And look before you leap
And all that kind of stuff...
He is the most pessimistic person whom I’ve !!ever seen ,and actually the most ambitious one
i dont know her at all
but the photo shows she is so emotional
and may be intersted in nice people and things
i say this becausec of panda
and the bio shows she likes to be inlove
and maybe she is
She is so logic.
She bahaves in a well order way
if i want to be in somebody's shoes in SMPD she would be my choice.:-"
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امتیازات: MHO
I can remember that he had a channel
on telegram.:-"
:I think
she is interested in psychological and motivational books
:she can,t stand two group of people who want to show they have philosophical depression and who want to make a joke of everyone

And my friends confirmed that she is one of their uni bookworms:-?
آخرین ویرایش:
He is a religious person.but not a religiose one.a balanced version.!
He can lead a group of people excellently.
He loves to experience different aspects of life.
If it is needed , he's frank enough.
He takes problems easy and this kind of thinking helps him to achieve his goals.
He is eager to have a wide social relationship.
He loves his hometown and his nationality. (:-"Lor boy
+my terrible writing :))
آخرین ویرایش:
I dont know her much and we are not besties but we have talked a few times
I think she is a physician and is a kurdish girl , maybe lak !
I saw she wrote something funny when she took the last exam :
ور چمم وا بی !:D
I laughed my ass out when I saw it !
I hope her the best
who is he :-?
it will be intersting to know him
I quite like his profile photo due to its ressemblance with a nice clean swimming pool. His name is the one thing I struggle with. I always had a hard time realizing why - although I know it is true -zero to the power of zero is equal to one. You have nothing times nothing zero times and yet yo get 1
-__-i really dont know who is person before me
آخرین ویرایش:
Oh vernal ! She is one of the best volleyball players you have ever seen,
She is beautiful and kind
She is kinda nerd at math n deserves to win the global olympiad
U would have a good time if u get close to her so make a move n be friend with her
Oh vernal ! She is one of the best volleyball players you have ever seen,
She is beautiful and kind
She is kinda nerd at math n deserves to win the global olympiad
U would have a good time if u get close to her so make a move n be friend with her
seeems like he is a nurse, but i think he is getting ready for konkour because he posts about it a lot
S1 who is difficult to understand