which dictionary is better?

  • شروع کننده موضوع شروع کننده موضوع nini joon
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Which dictionary do you use?

  • Oxford Advancd Learner's Dictionary

    رای‌ها: 36 40.0%
  • Oxford Student's Dictionary

    رای‌ها: 7 7.8%
  • Oxford Elementary Learner's Dictionary

    رای‌ها: 12 13.3%
  • Longman Dictionary

    رای‌ها: 52 57.8%
  • Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary

    رای‌ها: 4 4.4%
  • Webster's Dictionary

    رای‌ها: 6 6.7%
  • Concise Oxford English Dictionary

    رای‌ها: 2 2.2%

  • رای‌دهندگان

nini joon

کاربر فعال
نام مرکز سمپاد
which dictionary is better
i prefer long man cause im studing advance
and what do u prefer?
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

Do you prefer a pocket dictionary or not ?
& I have OXFORD advance pocket dictionary(fourth edition) that include 38000 word,phrases& meaning & is saticfactory for me
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

x The poll is created for this Topic. x
Well,I prefer Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English.
Webster is a great dictionary,too.
I don't recommend pocket dictionaries.They're not complete.They lack many many words & phonetics.
And I don't prefer Longman Dictionary 'cuz it's not that much complete and most of its words & phonetics are British.
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

i prefer long man because my accent is british just say water in british
its wonderful
;;) ;;)
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

Among these choices I prefer Oxford Advanced Dictionary,too.But I myself use Oxford Word Power dictionary..It has lots of new words & It`s perfect!​
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

I prefer WEBSTER.
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

به نقل از nini joon :
i prefer long man because my accent is british just say water in british
its wonderful
;;) ;;)
I thought longman is american! :-/ :-? isn't it?
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

به نقل از TFire :
I thought longman is american! :-/ :-? isn't it?
Nope,The original Longman is really old & first,It was published in London (1978).So most of its words are British.​
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

but i have heard that Oxford is British and Longman is American! and i'm somehow sure! just look at the pronunciations in longman, they are American!

I have a small longman pocket dictionary and it's not useful at all, it 's not elementary or sth, but it doesn't have most of the words i need!

guess an oxford dic is better, for the definitions. for pronunciation i prefer longman​
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

به نقل از پگاه :
but i have heard that Oxford is British and Longman is American! and i'm somehow sure! just look at the pronunciations in longman, they are American!

I have a small longman pocket dictionary and it's not useful at all, it 's not elementary or sth, but it doesn't have most of the words i need!

guess an oxford dic is better, for the definitions. for pronunciation i prefer longman​

& there's no Original longman in Iran.
the new versions of longman are different.Now Longman is a combination of British & American words.
& yep, As I said before,It's not a complete dictionary.​
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

i myself prefer longman dictionaries the way that it is written is very nice of course not the handy one!!!!!!
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

I Think Every Learner Must Choose and Use A Dictionary That It was Match With His/her Level
An Adv. Dictionary Is Not Very Useful For A Beginner
And I Think Elementary is Excellent For Juniorhighschool and First Grades of Highschool
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

I'd choose longman because longman dictionaries are more completed then the others
and its books is written for every level
and the software of longman dictionaries is great and useful
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

oxford ... students' dictionary
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

Say your opinions about different dictionaries.
Come on!
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

I think Longman Dictionary is the best
Of Course you can find different Longman dictionaries I think in those dictionaries Longman exams coach dictionary is the best because the search is very good and you can find any word in it and it also contains idioms and proverbs and also some exams that are examples of FCE,CAE etc.
and it also helps you with your vocabulary , grammer , listening , and also writing and so I think it's the best of all.
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

We've been using longman eversince we started learning english and i think it's PERFECT I've used oxford once or twice but I don't think it's good enough overall I think longman completely suits our level( high intermediate) also, do we hve webster in iran?! I did not know that myself
پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

i think Oxford Advancd Learner's Dictionary is better than Longman Dictionary
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پاسخ : which dictionary is better?

longman better pronosiation
oxford better defenition